Written by Anakin McFly
George Douglas McFly has strange dreams sometimes.
If they are dreams. They often seem too real, too familiar. Like erased memories surfacing from some secret place that George never can enter while he is awake.
The dreams have a strange constancy to them, as though they all take place in the same world.
In that dream world he is not a writer. He still writes, but not science-fiction; reports. For Biff, his supervisor in that world.
In that world, George wears glasses and cheap shirts, his hair slicked back with oil that needs changing.
His wife is not the slim woman he knows, but plump, old-looking, reeking of vodka. His three children are all losers and slackers. Their house looks older and badly maintained.
It's all so clear, so detailed, in his dreams. Almost as if they were from... but from where, or from when, he does not know. From an alternate universe, perhaps. The kind of things that real!George writes about. An alternate world, running parallel. Same time, different place. That which could have been.
Though sometimes, George isn't quite sure which world is the dream, and which world is the true.