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Okay... translators! | |||
Anakin McFly | 2008-11-23 18:04:33 | ||
ADMIN Forum Posts: 3076 Comments: 405 Reviews: 1 | Could make this official... German to English: Fiercelyred and EllieP (share it out) 100+ articles awaiting translation Italian to English: keanugirl76 9 articles awaiting translation Anyone here knows French? - 48 articles awaiting translation Spanish - 22 articles awaiting translation And a few other unidentified languages. Uh, okay... how are we going to do this... | ||
Fiercelyred | 2008-11-24 00:54:58 | ||
Forum Posts: 125 Comments: 2 Reviews: 0 | Thanks for the tips re the Bambi article Anakin, I was so happy that you'd thought English was my first language! I have recently translated a huge text (irl), and the guy failed to pay afterwards. His reasoning being that I had done a bad job. I have now filed that under the heading "sometimes people suck", but he made me doubt myself. Anyway, as for the translation of the German articles: that's a lot still to be translated. Maybe Elliep and I should pm eachother before starting with an article. Personally, I feel like cherrypicking the juiciest onest . I'll shoot you two more I have on file already from last year Anakin by mail. O, and I can translate from Dutch to English too. | ||
Sephonae | 2008-11-24 09:06:44 | ||
Forum Posts: 160 Comments: 3 Reviews: 0 | Well, I'm a Lusophone, but I took Spanish in high school and help out my son with his Spanish homework. I could take a crack at a Spanish article, see how I do, if you like. | ||
Fiercelyred | 2008-11-25 02:56:22 | ||
Forum Posts: 125 Comments: 2 Reviews: 0 | That would be great Sephonae. I'm really curious what it says in the articles I can't read, like the French and Spanish. I took a quick glance at one of the French ones, and apparently Keanu said he would like to have three children once he's married, but that he doesn't want to wait to marry till he's 83 like Henry Miller (interview is from 1991). | ||
Sephonae | 2008-11-25 11:13:44 | ||
Forum Posts: 160 Comments: 3 Reviews: 0 | Ah, sorry--I'm retarded. I thought Anakin would PM me an article or something...are they on the site? | ||
Anakin McFly | 2008-11-25 11:24:20 | ||
ADMIN Forum Posts: 3076 Comments: 405 Reviews: 1 | Fiercelyred has all the articles too; but I can e-mail you the separate Spanish ones. | ||
Sephonae | 2008-11-25 11:44:04 | ||
Forum Posts: 160 Comments: 3 Reviews: 0 | Yeah, somebody e-mail me an article! Let's see if I can do something half-way decent with it! | ||
Anakin McFly | 2008-11-25 12:35:56 | ||
ADMIN Forum Posts: 3076 Comments: 405 Reviews: 1 | What's your e-mail address? PM me if you don't want it private. Until then, here's one: Fotogramas # 1790 (Esp), October 1992 Entevista Keanu Reeves Las Alucinantes aventuras de Keanu y Reeves DESDE HACE ALGO MAS DE CINCO AÐOS UNA BRISA FRESCA RECORRE LAS COLINAS DE HOLLYWOOD MONTADA EN UNA NORTON COMMANDO 850: KEANU REEVES, EL HIJO DE UN HAWAIANO CON SANGRE CHINA Y DE UNA INGLESA. NI MAS NI MENOS QUE "BRISA FRESCA SOBRE LAS MONTAÐAS" SIGNIFICA EL NOMBRE DE KEANU EN EL IDIOMA PATERNO, UNA BRISA QUE EMPEZO A CONVERTIRSE EN CICLON CON "INSTINTO ADICO" Y SE HA DESARROLLADO EN "LAS ALUCINANTES AVENTURAS DE BILL Y TED", "LE LLAMAN BODHI", "MI PRIVADO IDAHO" Y EL PROXIMO ESTRENO DEL "DRACULA" DE COPPOLA. by Jud I. THEARNE Las cr¾nicas suelen coincidir en que naci¾ en Beirut (LÝbano) el 2 de septiembre de 1964; que su primera infancia transcurri¾ en Hawai donde a su madre la veÝan como a una moderna Lilith por su costumbre de llevar abrigo de vis¾n con botas camperas y pantalones tejanos; que a Keanu le siguieron dos hermanitas; que, despuÚs de una estancia en Nueva York, se traslad¾. a Toronto, y allÝ, a los 15 a±os fue reclutado por la Theatre Arts High School, que la junta directiva de dicho centro se replante¾ su decisi¾n y le expuls¾, un a±o mßs tarde, porque no se concentraba lo suficiente, era demasiado inconstante y estaba siempre cuestionando la autoridad; que "ama hasta la muerte" montar en moto; que a punto estuvo de hacer realidad la expresi¾n cuando le recosieron el bazo despuÚs de uno de sus accidentes -algo menos preocupante para Úl que la posibilidad de que el mÚdico le colocase mal los intestinos despuÚs de la operaci¾n-, que a pesar de todo le ha quedado en el vientre una cicatriz que desata pasiones; que toca la guitarra con la misma exquisitez con que utiliza un lÚxico plagado de "tÝos", 'joderes", "totales", "passsas" y "troncos" en sus equivalentes californianos; que amortiza el guardarropa hasta que se cae a pedazos; que ha mantenido relaciones con Paula Abdul e ignotas modelos; que saca a cenar a SofÝa Coppola; que Lori Petty, su compa±era en "Le llaman Bodhi" reconoce que su "encanto e inocencia no son prefabricados; su involuntario sexy te desarma; no sabes si jugar con Úl a "Confidencias a medianoche" o a "Atame!"; que se ha generalizado la idea de que "ha nacido para llevßrselo a la cama"... FOTOGRAMAS: Desde hace unos meses se le ve continuamente en cine... KEANU REEVES: TÝo, ha sido de histeria. Evidentemente yo no tenÝa nada previsto. Ha sucedido asÝ. Lo contrario tambiÚn podÝa haber pasado; todo depende de si el p·blico te acepta o no, no hay mßs secreto. Durante estos meses lo que ha sido un palo mental ha sido pasar de "Le llaman Bodhi" a "Mi privado Idaho". Fue acabar "Bodhi" en Hawai a las seis de la ma±ana, cuando el sol despuntaba, tomar un avi¾n que me dej¾ en Los Angeles a las 4 de la tarde y volar a Portland a la ma±ana siguiente a las 7 que empezaba el rodaje de"Idaho". F.: Bueno, pero el rodaje de "Le llaman Bodhi" vali¾ la pena... K.N.: Fui muy afortunado de conseguir el papel de Johnny Utah, un nombre que me gusta mucho, digno de Sam Shepard. El gui¾n fue de productora en productora durante a±os y Johnny Depp y Matthew Broderick fueron algunos de los que estaban en lista para interpretarlo. Fueron seis meses de rodaje en fabulosos exteriores pero tambiÚn fue muy duro. Yo no soy surfista y cuando me encontrÚ en Hawai con aquellas enormes olas me di cuenta deí peligro. Si tu padre te da un chapuz¾n en el agua cuando eres un renacuajo la cosa puede funcionar, pero embarcarte en el surf cuando has pasado los 25 a±os es otra cosa. Al final acabÚ por acostumbrarme. RodÚ todas mis escenas, incluidas las caÝdas. Todas las caÝdas las hice yo, tÝo. Me salÝan muy bien. Ja, ja, ja. F.: ?TambiÚn la del paracaÝdas? K.N.: No, esa no. Patrick (Swayze) sÝ que salt¾ de verdad ante las cßmaras. TÝo, fue increÝble cuando salt¾. Yo estaba allÝ, en el avi¾n, junto a la portezuela para rodar la escena. El dijo "Adi¾s, amigos" y desaparecí¾. Yo saltÚ una vez con los instructores, pero no era en caÝda libre. No soy un kamikaze como todos esos tipos que conocÝ durante el rodaje, esos surfistas o los tÝos deí paracaÝdas que estiran la anilla lo mßs cerca posible deí suelo... son junkies de la adrenalina... Esos tÝos viven para eso. F.: DespuÚs de "Las alucinantes aventuras de Bill y Ted", "Dulce hogar... ía veces!" y "The Prince of Pennsylvania", Johnny Utah es su primer personaje realmente adulto. ?C¾mo fue el bautismo? K.N.: Johnny Utah es un obseso deí control y la eficacia. DespuÚs el ocÚano le larga una lecci¾n y lo transforma. Pero despuÚs todo se convierte en un juego para Úl, no hay lÝmites. Pierde la noci¾n deí bien y del mal. Algo se pone en su punto de mira y es capaz de matar para conseguirlo. Al final, tras la carnicerÝa, saca una buena lecci¾n de todas esas gilipolleces. Es un personaje que evoluciona, que pasa a la edad adulta. Para mÝ ha sido ·til en ese sentido. Kathryn Bigelow desbarata todos los mitos deí macho; eso estß bien... ENTRE SHAKESPEARE Y LA CRETINEZ F.: TambiÚn los desbarata "Mi privado Idaho". ?No es un riesgo interpretar a un homosexual prostituido? K.R.: ?PorquÚ iba a ser arriesgado? ?A causa de su homosexualidad? TÝo, eso es no enterarse de nada; la pelÝcula no es eso. No trata de chulos callejeros... bueno sÝ, pero no. Lo es porque River (Phoenix) y yo interpretamos a unos chulos, pero en realidad es un film sobre el amor, sobre la b·squeda del amor... Ademßs yo no soy gay... aunque nunca se sabe. F.: ?Cußl fue su reacci¾n cuando ley¾ el gui¾n de "Mi privado Idaho"por vez primera? K.R.: Me flip¾ tÝo. Me pareci¾ un gui¾n increÝble. Simplemente a nivel narrativo... hay vacas, bang, bang, bang, sex-shops, salmones nadando, una polla, dinero que pasa de una mano a otra y despuÚs aterrizo en Idaho... íPlaf! DespuÚs estß Shakespeare. El film es una mezcla de emociones y de escenas. Eso lleva de una experiencia a otra, de.una imagen a otra. Es... eso, una pelÝcula sobre el amor... Claro que aquÝ hay un polvo y allÝ una mamada, pero es mßs una cinta sobre quienes tienen una vida al margen... F.: Su personaje lo ha creado Gus Van Sant basßndose en el prÝncipe Hal del "Enrique IV" de Shakespeare. K.N.: SÝ, pero en Shakespeare, el prÝncipe Hal acepta finalmente ser un buen rey. La diferencia con Scott es que no tiene lazos con el resto de la gente. Evita a todo el mundo y sigue su camino. No tiene, digamos, la nobleza del prÝncipe Hal. F.: ?Le facilit¾ el trabajo actuar junto a River Phoenix, con quien ya habÝa actuado en "Te amarÚ hasta que te mate"? K.R.: Es un actor peso pesado... uno grande... el mejor. Y eso me ha aportado mucho. River es muy motivador. Es inteligente, brillante y me gusta deslizarme por su onda de vez en cuando, seguir su corriente. En cambio yo no sÚ si le he aportado algo durante el rodaje. F.: Hay que suponer que volver a interpretar al cretino de "Las alucinantes aventuras de Bill y Ted" en "Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey" ha sido un relax. K.R.: Por supuesto, son dos films inocentes, un poco gilipollas, pero en el fondo simpßticos. Bill v Ted son dos colegas rodeados de imbÚciles - en la escuela, en sus familias...-, entonces deciden tocar algo de m·sica, a pesar de que son unos negados, y salir de viaje. Son dos tÝos totales. No son modelos para la juventud, ni caricaturas, son dos tipos puros que se lo pasan en grande. Son como ese tÝo... íCandide! Bill y Ted son dos optimistas. Me parto el pecho cuando la gente acusa a Bill y Ted de tener una influencia negativa sobre la juventud. En "Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey" jugamos a barquitos con la Muerte; seguro que es eso lo que influye negativamente en la juventud americana. Pero el descojone es cuando los crÝticos dicen que son hÚroes modelo porque íno se drogan! F.: Usted en cambio sÝ ha tenido coqueteos con la droga ... K.R.: Antes de cumplir 18 a±os me daban muchÝsimo miedo, pero cuando lo probÚ fue total. Creo que alucinar es una de las cosas mßs hermosas. ?No es asombroso? Hay que vivirlo, no se puede estar de jodido mir¾n cuando se va a una de esas discos y todo el mundo estß saltando, bailando y en pleno viaje. F.: ?Es asÝ como pasa sus veladas cuando estß en Hollywood? K.R.: Bueno, a menudo cojo mi moto por las noches y voy a dar vueltas por Mullholand Drive. No hay salidas de garajes ni se±ales de Stop. AsÝ que me pongo el casco y voy a retar al diablo... Ademßs, la vida hollywoodiense, hacer el paripÚ y todo eso... me jode. No me apetece ser superfamoso, me aterroriza. F.: ?Cußles son sus pr¾ximos proyectos? K.R.: ?C¾mo lo voy a saber si tampoco tengo planes sobre lo que voy a hacer en el pr¾ximo medio a±o? Acabo de rodar con Coppola y quiero viajar y leer. Acabo de leer todo Dostoyevski, tambiÚn he leÝdo esa cosa sobre el tiempo de Stephen Hawking y el "Doctor Faustus" de Thomas Mann, una experiencia alucinante, casi como el LSD. Que ?quÚ proyectos profesionales tengo?, bueno no es difÝcil: trabajar con gente enrollada o en historias que tengan algo que decir. Tal vez Shakespeare; podrÝa ser "Romeo y Julieta" y como dice River (Phoenix) con Úl en el papel de Julieta. Me gustarÝa trabajar en algo como "Evil Dead III", porque me gusta el tÝo que la ha filmado. La cinta anterior "TerrorÝficamente muertos" (Evil Dead II) es una estupidez, superficial, espantosa, grotesca y... jodidamente divertida. Me gustarÝa llegar a los 60 a±os rodando ese tipo de pelÝculas. | ||
LucaM | 2008-11-26 01:57:44 | ||
Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 | well... I could help you with translations from Romanian... but it would be of no use, as the Romanian magazines take the articles from the net and publish them in Romanian... it would be just the same stories lost in translation but still... if ever... oh, I could try to translate from Hungarian, also, if needed. | ||
Fiercelyred | 2008-11-26 04:03:55 | ||
Forum Posts: 125 Comments: 2 Reviews: 0 | Sorry Sephonae, my mistake, I should've been clearer. When CK crashed, I had saved all the articles in webdocs, sorted by years. I sent them to Anakin, who has been building a bigger and better version of the archive ever since. Since I saved everything, that includes all the non-English ones too. Glad that we're getting translations now, I'm really looking forward to those! We're quite an international bunch, aren't we. So, here are three more translations for today; I decided to start wit the first German articles, which was in 1991. O, and I completely ignored any glaring mistakes (like the fact that Keanu has native American blood), just translated the text. Petra, April 1991 The beautiful outsider Keanu Reeves is from Toronto, Canada , and has native American blood. It didn't take long for him to create his own path as "lone wolf". He distances himself from the "Brat Pack", the young star circle of Hollywood:" I have nothing to do with them". He likes it better to look through old classics or to drive his bike alone at night through the city in which he works at the time - be it L.A. or New York. And he works a lot: theatre, tv, film. His biggest success: Uma Thurman's young lover, who Glenn Close so manipulatively exploits in "Dangerous Liaisons". A great cloak and dagger part, that allowed him to be just as he is: proud and sensitive, vulnerable and explosive. Since then the 25 year old gets compared to Errol Flynn. It doesn't faze him. "I do my thing, nothing more to it." Stories about women? Keanu Reeves loves quietly and secretly. He abhors affairs that are carried out openly, and doesn't even so much as hint at the name of his current girlfriend. In spite of that, women's hearts open themselves for him very easily. "He has a certain innocence, that awakens in every woman an instinct to protect.", says his collegue Uma Thurman about him. But the young innocence gets on with life on his own quite well, and is determined to leave everything the way it is : "I don't want to grow up, and behave accordingly." You know him from: "Dangerous liaisons", where he caught the attention as Uma Thurman's young lover, and "I love you to death". He lives: in Toronto, Canada, and commutes between New York and L.A. He drives: a bike, preferably at 4 am in L.A. - " see what's going on". He loves: a beautiful unknown, whose name he won't tell. Special characteristics: seems to constantly stand in his own light. Fan club: "Delicious, a mix of Jaques Tati and Errol Flynn." (an American female journalist). Petra's prognosis: he'll stay the sensitive one with the boyish charm, perfect for character parts. Original text: Petra (Ge), April 1991 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Der sch÷ne Au?enseiter Keanu Reeves kommt aus Toronto, Kanada, und hat indianisches Blut. Prompt machte er als "einsamer Wolf" seinen Weg. Von dem "Brat Pack", der Jung-Star-Clique Hollywoods, distanziert er sich, "Mit denen habe ich nichts am Hut" Da schm÷kert er lieber ein bi?chen in alten Klassikern oder fõhrt nachts allein mit seinem Motorrad durch die Stadt, in der er gerade arbeitet - sei es L.A. oder New York. Und er arbeitet viel: B³hne, Fernsehen, Film. Sein gr÷?ter Erfolg: Der junge Liebhaber von Uma Thurman, den Glenn Close in "Gefõhrliche Liebschaften" so intrigant ausnutzt. Eine tolle Mantel- und Degenrolle, in der er so sein durfte. wie er wirklich ist: stolz und sensibel, verletzlich und aufbrausend. Seitdem wird der 25jõhrige mit dem jungen Errol Flynn verglichen. Das st÷rt ihn wenig. "Ich mach' mein Ding, mehr nicht." Frauengeschichten? Keanu Reeves liebt still und heimlich. Íffentliche Affõren sind ihm zuwider, den Namen seiner jetzigen Freundin gibt er nicht mal andeutungsweise preis. Trotzdem fliegen ihm die Frauenherzen zu. "Er hat so was unschuldiges, das in jeder Frau sofort den Besch³tzerinstinkt weckt", sagt seine Kollegin Uma Thurman ³ber ihn. Die junge Unschuld kommt aber auch gut allein klar und hat sich vorgenommen, alles so zu lassen, wie es ist: "Ich habe keine Lust, erwachsen zu werden, und benehme mich auch so." Man kennt ihn: aus "Gefõhrliche Liebschaften", wo er als blutjunger Liebhaber von Uma Thurman auf sich aufmerksam machte; und aus "Ich liebe Dich zu Tode". Er lebt: in Toronto, Kanada, pendelt zwischen New York und L.A. Er fõhrt: Motorrad, und zwar am liebsten um 4 Uhr morgens in L.A. - "schauen, was so los ist". Er liebt: eine sch÷ne Unbekannte, deren Namen er nicht preisgeben will. Besondere Merkmale: scheint sich selbst dauernd im Weg zu stehen. Fan Club: "Herrlich, eine Mischung aus Jacques Tati und Errol Flynn." (eine amerikanische Film-Journalistin). Petra-Prognose: Bleibt das Sensibelchen mit jungenhaftem Charme. Ideal f³r Charakterrollen. | ||
Fiercelyred | 2008-11-26 04:04:53 | ||
Forum Posts: 125 Comments: 2 Reviews: 0 | Pop/Rocky, October 1991 Keanu Reeves: Career kickoff with 30 dollars! On Patrick Swayze's side in "Pointbreak" he finally got his big break with us as well: we present you the exotic Keanu Reeves. Keanu should be pronounced as "Ki-ah-nu", which is Hawaiian for "Cool breeze over the mountains". His nickname is equally impressive: his friends call him "The wall", because he was an extraordinary goalie in hockey during his high school years. "I'm a mutt", says Keanu to describe himself: his mother is English, his father of Hawaiian and Chinese descent. Keanu was born September 2nd 1964 in Beirut, Libanon. After short stops in Australia and New York he grew up in Toronto, Canada. When he was 16 he took nightclasses to learn to act and premiered in a Coca Cola commercial. In 1985 he bought a dinged Volvo and drove with 30 dollars (all his savings) to his stepdad in Los Angeles, California. It was there that his acting career took off with a small part in "Youngblood" with Patrick Swayze. After that the bike freak (he owns a red and black Norton 850 Commando, built in 1974) acted with, amongst others, Glenn Close in "Dangerous liaisons" (1988) and Alex Winter in "Bill and Teds excellent adventure" (1989). Original text: Pop/Rocky (Ge), October 1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keanu Reeves Karrierestart mit 30 Dollar! An der Seite von Patrick Swayze in "Gefõhrliche Brandung" gelang ihm endlich auch bei uns der Durchbruch. Wir stellen Euch den Exoten Keanu Reeves vor Ausgesprochen wird Keanu "Ki-ah-nu". Das ist hawaiianisch f³r. "K³hler Wind ³ber den Bergen". Sein Spitzname ist genauso eindrucksvoll: "The Wall" ("Die Mauer") nennen ihn seine Freunde, weil er wõhrend der Schulzeit ein au?erordentlich guter Hockey-Torwart war. "Ich bin eine Promenadenmischung", sagt Keanu von sich selbst: Seine Mutter ist Englõnderin, sein Vater Hawaiianer chinesischer Abstammung. Geboren wurde Keanu am 2. September 1964 in Beirut/Libanon. Aufgewachsen ist er (nach Zwischenstops in Australien und New York) in Toronto, Kanada. Mit 16 belegte er an der Abendschule einen Schauspielkurs und hatte in einem Cola-Spot Premiere. 1985 kaufte er sich einen schrottreifen Volvo und fuhr mit 30 Dollar (seinen gesamten Ersparnissen) zu seinem Stiefvater nach Los Angeles/Kalifornien. Dort begann auch seine Schauspieler-Karriere mit einer kleinen Rolle in "Younblood" mit Patrick Swayze. Dann spielte der Motorrad-Freak (er besitzt eine rotschwarze "Norton 850 Commando" Baujahr 74) unter anderem mit Glenn Close in "Gefõhrliche Liebschaften" (1988) und mit Alex Winter in "Bill und Teds verr³ckte Reise" (1989). | ||
Fiercelyred | 2008-11-26 04:07:06 | ||
Forum Posts: 125 Comments: 2 Reviews: 0 | Petra, November 1991 Erotic from L.A. The skin under the leather is 27 years young. California's sun has tanned it softly; bodybuilding built up the biceps. God had a good day, when He created this body: Keanu Reeves, the new women's idol. He shot with soulqueen Paula Abdul her videoclip "Rush, rush", and is since spoken for (to her). But that's okay; you don't own a man like this, you look at him. Keanu's name means "cool breeze over the mountains".What is it that makes his eyes look so sad? Disappointment. Father left the family. Son Keanu landed on the therapist's couch. Love-hate. Best therapy: go to the movies! Keanu went. 13 Films like "Youngblood", "Dangerous liaisons", "My own private Idaho". Keanu private - that means driving Moto Guzzi at night, drinking cold beer for breakfast, haircuts done with nail scissors. He doesn't want to grow up. At least that's what he says. Original text: Petra, November 1991 Erotic from L.A. The skin under the leather is 27 years young. California's sun has tanned it softly; bodybuilding built up the biceps. God had a good day, when He created this body: Keanu Reeves, the new women's idol. He shot with soulqueen Paula Abdul her videoclip "Rush, rush", and is since spoken for (to her). But that's okay; you don't own a man like this, you look at him. Keanu's name means "cool breeze over the mountains".What is it that makes his eyes look so sad? Disappointment. Father left the family. Son Keanu landed on the therapist's couch. Love-hate. Best therapy: go to the movies! Keanu went. 13 Films like "Youngblood", "Dangerous liaisons", "My own private Idaho". Keanu private - that means driving Moto Guzzi at night, drink cold beer for breakfast, haircuts done with nail scissors. He doesn't want to grow up. At least that's what he | ||
Sephonae | 2008-11-26 12:18:41 | ||
Forum Posts: 160 Comments: 3 Reviews: 0 | Wow. Translating that Spanish article from FOTOGRAMAS was a real learning experience. Wanna know what I learned? I shouldn't consider translating professionally. Oh, and I learned that my Spanish sucks. But here's what I could make of it (with profound apologies to native Spanish-speakers throughout the world). ---------- Fotogramas # 1790 (Esp), October 1992 Interview Keanu Reeves The Trippy Adventures of Keanu Reeves For a little over five years a fresh breeze has crossed the hills of Hollywood, riding his Norton Commando 580: Keanu Reeves, the son of a Hawaiian with Chinese blood, and an Englishwoman. Nevertheless, KeanuÆs name means "fresh breeze over the mountains" in his fatherÆs native tongue, a breeze that began the cyclone with "Instinto Adico " and developed into "Bill and TedÆs Excellent Adventure," "Point Break," "My Own Private Idaho," and the next (film) opening, CoppolaÆs "Dracula." by Jud I. THEARNE The stories agree that he was born in Beirut (Lebanon) on September 2, 1964; that his early years were spent in Hawaii, where his mother was seen as a modern Lilith due to her custom of wearing a mink coat with country boots and Texan trousers; that after Keanu followed two little sisters; that, after a stay in New York, moved to Toronto, and there, at age fifteen, was recruited by the Theatre Arts High School, whose board of directors reversed their decision and expelled him a year later, because he would not concentrate sufficiently, was too fickle, and was always questioning authority; that he "loves (riding motorcycles) to death," that at one point was about to make the turn-of-phrase a reality when he ruptured his spleen after one of his accidents--of some concern to him was the possibility of the doctor would misarrange his intestines after the operation --that in spite of all that has happened, there is a scar in his belly that unties passions ; that he plays guitar with the same facility with which his vocabulary is plagued by "dudes," "fucks," "totalies," "passsas ," and "troncos " in their Californian equivalents; that he wears out his clothes until they fall to pieces; that heÆs had relationships with Paula Abdul and unknown models; that heÆs gone to dinner with Sofia Coppola; that Lori Petty, his co-star in "Point Break," recognizes that "his charm and innocence arenÆt fabricated, his involuntary sexiness will disarm you, you donÆt know if you should play "Midnight Secrets" or "Tie me up!" with him," that the idea has generally been "he was born to be taken to bed..." FOTOGRAMAS: For some months weÆve seen you constantly in theaters... Keanu Reeves: Dude, itÆs been crazy. Obviously, I couldnÆt have predicted this. ItÆs just happened this way. The opposite could also have happened, it all depends on if the public accepts you or not, thereÆs no other secret. During the months since "Point Break," and "My Own Private Idaho," itÆs been a mental wood. IÆd finish "Point Break" in Hawaii at six in the morning, when the sun was coming up, then take a plane that would leave me in Los Angeles at four in the afternoon, and then fly to Portland the following morning at seven the day "Idaho" began (filming). F: Well, the filming of "Point Break" was worth it... KR: I was very lucky getting the role of Johnny Utah, a name I really like, worthy of Sam Shepard. The script went from producer to producer for many years and Johnny Depp and Matthew Broderick were some of those ready to interpret it (the role). It was six months of filming in fabulous locales but it was also very hard. IÆm not a surfer and when I found myself in Hawaii with those enormous waves I understood the danger. If your dad dropped you in the water when you were a tadpole it could work, but embarking on the surf when itÆs been 25 years is another thing. In the end, I got used to it. I did all my stunts, including the falls. I did all the falls, dude. They came out really well, to me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. F: The parachute scene too? KR: No, not that one. Patrick (Swayze) yes, he jumped for real, in front of the cameras. Dude, it was incredible when he jumped. I was there, in the plane, near the door, to film the scene. He said, "Adios, amigos" and he disappeared. I jumped once with the instructors, but it wasnÆt in a free fall. IÆm not a kamikaze like all those guys I met during filming, those surfers or those dudes skirt the ground from those parachutes, closer than (seems) possible...theyÆre adrenaline junkies. Those dudes live for that. F: After "Bill and TedÆs Excellent Adventures," "Parenthood," and "The Prince of Pennsylvania," Johnny Utah if your first real adult character. How was your baptism? KR: Johnny Utah is obsessed with control and efficiency. Then the ocean teaches him a lesson, transforms him. But after everything it turns into a game for him, there are no limits. He loses the idea of good and bad. SomethingÆs put in his sights and heÆs capable of killing to obtain it. In the end, after the slaughter, he learns a good lesson from all those stupidities. HeÆs a person who evolves, who passes adulthood. For me, heÆs been useful in that sense. Kathryn Bigelow ruins all the myths of men; thatÆs okay... ENTER SHAKESPEARE AND STUPIDITY F: So does "My Own Private Idaho." IsnÆt it risky, playing a character whoÆs a gay prostitute? KR: Why would that be risky? Because of his homosexuality? Dude, that doesnÆt enter into anything, the movie isnÆt about that. ItÆs not about street hustlers...well, yes, but no. River (Phoenix) and I play some hustlers, but in reality itÆs a film about love, about the pursuit of love. Also, IÆm not gay...but you never know. F: What was your reaction when you read the "My Own Private Idaho" script for the first time? KR: I dug it, dude. It seemed to me an incredible script. Simply at a narrative level... there are cows, bang, bang, bang, sex-shops, salmons swimming, a pullet, money that passes from one hand to another and then lands in Idaho...Bam! Then thereÆs Shakespeare. The film is a mix of emotions and scenes. It takes you from one experience to another, one image to another. ItÆs...that, a film about love...Sure, thereÆs some sex here, a blowjob there, but itÆs more a film about those with lives on the margins... F: Your character, created by Gus Van Sant, was based on Prince Hal from ShakespeareÆs "Henry IV." KR: Yes, but in Shakespeare Prince Hal finally accepts being a good king. The difference with Scott is that he has no ties with other people. He evades the whole world and seeks his own way. He doesnÆt have, shall we say, the nobility of Prince Hal. F: Did it make the job easier, acting with River Phoenix, with whom you acted in "I Love You To Death?" KR: HeÆs a very heavy actor...one of the greats...the best. And that has contributed a lot to me. River is very motivating. HeÆs intelligent, brilliant, and I like get on his wavelength once in a while, follow his current. I donÆt know if IÆve contributed anything to him in exchange, during filming. F: One wonders if returning to the role of the idiot Ted from "Bill and TedÆs Excellent Adventure," in "Bill and TedÆs Bogus Journey" has been relaxing. KR: By all means, theyÆre films of innocents, a bit dopey, but fundamentally, sympathetic. Bill and Ted are two guys surrounded by idiots - in school, in their families. So they decide to play music, although theyÆre losers, and go off on a journey. TheyÆre two total dudes. TheyÆre not role models for the youth, nor are they caricatures, theyÆre two pure guys who try to make it big. TheyÆre like that dude...Candide! Bill and Ted are two optimists. It breaks me up when people accuse Bill and Ted of having a negative influence on the young. In "Bill and TedÆs Bogus Journey," we play Battleship with Death, sure, thatÆs what negatively influences American youth. But whatÆs laughable is when critics say that theyÆre heroes because they donÆt do drugs! F: You, however, have had some contact with drugs... KR: Before I turned 18 they scared me, but when I tried them it was complete. I believe that tripping is one of the most beautiful things. IsnÆt it amazing? You have to live it, you canÆt have a fucked-up outlook when you go to those discos and the whole world is jumping and dancing and in the heat of it. F: Is that how you spend your evenings when youÆre in Hollywood? KR: Well, at the moment I ride my motorcycle in the evenings and go around Mullholand Drive. There arenÆt any driveways or stop signs. ThatÆs when I turn off my headlights and go on devil rides. Anyway, the Hollywood lifestyle, putting on the fakery and all that...I hate that. I donÆt want to be superfamous, that terrifies me. F: What are your upcoming projects? KR: How would I know that if I hardly have plans for what IÆm going to do in the next six months? I finish filming with Coppola and I want to travel and read. IÆve just finished reading all of Dostoyevski, IÆve also read that thing about time by Stephen Hawking and Thomas MannÆs "Doctor Faustus," a hallucinogenic experience, almost like LSD. What professional projects do I have? Well, itÆs not difficult: working with people on film or stories that have something to say. Maybe Shakespeare; it could be like "Romeo and Juliette," and maybe River in the role of Juliette. IÆd like to work in something like "Evil Dead III," because I like the dude that made it. The second one, Evil Dead II, is stupid, superficial, scary, grotesque and...fucking hilarious. IÆd like to get to 60 filming that kind of movie. -------- PS: My head hurts. | ||
keanugirl76 | 2008-11-26 15:12:17 | ||
Forum Posts: 268 Comments: 0 Reviews: 0 | I could help with Spanish as well. I studied it at Uni for three years . | ||
Sephonae | 2008-11-26 22:05:50 | ||
Forum Posts: 160 Comments: 3 Reviews: 0 |
Then I shall be happy to pass the Spanish Translation Sceptre over to you, my dear. For verily, my Spanish translating skills sucketh. (I mean, if you're in a bind, I'll do my best, but my best is pretty lame.) | ||
keanugirl76 | 2008-11-27 15:32:23 | ||
Forum Posts: 268 Comments: 0 Reviews: 0 | There are 22 Spanish articles, so we could share them! As I have to translate the Italian ones before, in the meanwhile you could start with the Spanish and then leave some to me, once I've finished the others | ||
Sephonae | 2008-11-28 02:46:08 | ||
Forum Posts: 160 Comments: 3 Reviews: 0 | ^Sure, I'm happy to help, if I can. | ||
Fiercelyred | 2008-11-29 00:01:50 | ||
Forum Posts: 125 Comments: 2 Reviews: 0 | Thanks for translating Sephonae, that was a big article too! | ||
Anakin McFly | 2008-11-29 00:13:53 | ||
ADMIN Forum Posts: 3076 Comments: 405 Reviews: 1 | Thanks for the translations! Some of those are up -> www.whoaisnotme.net/articles/recentadd.htm Still got a bunch of others to format and upload. | ||
Sephonae | 2008-11-29 01:32:05 | ||
Forum Posts: 160 Comments: 3 Reviews: 0 |
It totally kicked my ass. Where are the other Spanish articles? keanugirl76, maybe we should coordinate the translation sharing so we don't do double work? |
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