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The whining thread
2008-08-25 21:08:23

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Oh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...

... I'm so full of sushi...
Anakin McFly
2008-08-25 22:41:45


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Where? Give!
2008-08-25 22:54:17

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In my belly.

I feel like an anaconda after eating an ox.

Anakin McFly
2008-08-25 22:56:24


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*sends Marlon James after you with explicit instructions to cut open your belly and take out the sushi*

2008-08-25 23:37:29

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It's a good thing Marlon always screws things up any way. He'll most likely confuse himself to a knot, cut open my head and scoop out my brains, or something!


*grabs the belly and runs*

Anakin McFly
2008-08-25 23:51:31


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Marlon: *flips slowly through a book on human anatomy, trying to locate the belly*
2008-08-26 07:52:00

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Okay, I'm going to whine! Brace yourselves! *clears throat* What the frickety frack is wrong with the posters at Keanu's board at IMDB!???? (you know who I'm talking about-present company excluded). You think that bs is over with and it just goes on and on and on. WTH??

And I noticed TamooMeadows had the same MO as blossombaby, start off by asking questions about Keanu and his fans and then degenerating into what a loser he is and his ex girlfriends and fans are blah, blah, blah. Just ugh!

And then all those "sock puppets" pop up! It's soooooo annoying!!!!!!!!

Okay, I think I'm done. Just had to get that off my chest. Sheesh. Some people!

2008-08-26 19:10:19

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IMDB is now under siege by deleting trolls, and that idiot TamooMeadows ignoring journalistic stratagies, and posting excuses in order to rag on druggies.

Annoying stuff.
Anakin McFly
2008-08-26 21:14:12


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in order to rag on druggies.
Marlon: *looks up from his book at you and blinks*

2008-08-26 23:53:19

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You STFU, Marlon! You go around killing people for dope! >_< And you FAIL at that, too!!

2008-08-27 02:29:41

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IMDB is now under siege by deleting trolls, and that idiot TamooMeadows ignoring journalistic stratagies, and posting excuses in order to rag on druggies.

Annoying stuff.
*head explodes*
Anakin McFly
2008-08-27 10:42:45


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Marlon: *wonders how to stfu, seeing as how he's not talking in the first place* *looks in his book about human anatomy for guidance* *locates the belly* *looks confused*
keanugirl762008-08-27 15:55:54

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I'm fed up with Keanu's IMDB board, I miss KeanuWeb and one of my cacti is getting rotten. It's my fault. I've watered it too much
Anakin McFly
2008-08-27 17:07:14


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keanugirl762008-08-28 14:52:21

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You know, sometimes the Marlon James that hides himself into my brain shows up and gives such insane advices
Anakin McFly
2008-08-28 15:45:45


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Follow his advice!
2008-08-28 20:43:39

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The WINDing Thread!

I posted a link for a great clip of Keanu on imdb a couple of days ago and it's fallen into the hands of that new fish-fan, Tamoo. WT?! What a waste of reading time and webspace that is. Good on ckage for sticking it to her.
2008-08-29 08:22:21

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I posted a link for a great clip of Keanu on imdb a couple of days ago and it's fallen into the hands of that new fish-fan, Tamoo. WT?! What a waste of reading time and webspace that is. Good on ckage for sticking it to her
I missed it dang!

But I did notice in a post that TamooMeadows is espousing how virtuous she is, what with all her good community works and all and how others should follow her example! ROTFLMAO How pompous and arrogant can some people be? Seriously, it borders on the insane!

2008-08-29 18:47:08

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It's still there Magic:

Read Tamoo's posts only if you need a good dose of eye rolling exercise!

The thing is, she had already posted her thoughts about Jennifer on the other thread asking where people were from and I had read it before it got pulled. So by the time I got back to my thread, she already had a big red x near her name as far as I'm concerned so I was not impressed with her arguments on my clip thread.

She said some unbelievably nasty things about a poor girl who went through God knows what in the last 2 years of her life before it was cut so short. I don't know what is up with Tamoo, but my mother raised me to respect the dead.

2008-08-31 01:18:52

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It's still there Magic:
Awww, that was good. Sad, but good.

Read Tamoo's posts only if you need a good dose of eye rolling exercise!
I know right? My goodness!

The thing is, she had already posted her thoughts about Jennifer on the other thread asking where people were from and I had read it before it got pulled. So by the time I got back to my thread, she already had a big red x near her name as far as I'm concerned so I was not impressed with her arguments on my clip thread.

She said some unbelievably nasty things about a poor girl who went through God knows what in the last 2 years of her life before it was cut so short. I don't know what is up with Tamoo, but my mother raised me to respect the dead.
It seems like she's (Tamoo) got two personalities. I mean, she'll say some supposed "nice" things about Keanu and then come out with the most venomous stuff!?? WTH?

I agree, the speculation over Jennifer borders on the macabre to me. It still amazes me that "some" want to go there and speculate.

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