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Login / comments system launch
Anakin McFly
2009-04-19 00:40:00


Forum Posts: 3076
Comments: 405
Reviews: 1
Any bugs, comments, complaints, etc

post 'em here.

Hoping everything works fine...
2009-04-19 12:49:09

Forum Posts: 28
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I just registered, and everything seems to be working fine so far!
2009-04-19 20:32:44

Forum Posts: 4842
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Reviews: 13
... right as rain so far
keanugirl762009-04-20 13:51:03

Forum Posts: 268
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Everything ok
Anakin McFly
2009-04-20 22:31:57


Forum Posts: 3076
Comments: 405
Reviews: 1
What's your username? :\ Are you xariesgirl78x?
2009-04-28 06:50:33

Forum Posts: 4842
Comments: 381
Reviews: 13
Ani... it's pretty obvious the exams are closing in...

thank you for all the pretty gizmos ( user profile, avatars, etc).
I'll try to use them properly.

even if sometimes I'll forget to log in while at the office.
don't wanna forget to log out... and then have my boss post all over WINM...
( no worries though, he wouldn't get the humor. )

but the site is starting to look reaallly goooood ...
thanks again.
Anakin McFly
2009-04-28 11:36:28


Forum Posts: 3076
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Reviews: 1
You're welcome.

Yeah, exams are almost over. Last paper is next Wednesday, and there's not much to study for it. And then it's three months of break, so that would be fun...

Why would your boss post all over WINM?
2009-04-28 15:57:54

Forum Posts: 4842
Comments: 381
Reviews: 13
'cause he's unpredictable that way.

the good part is that he's not around much.
2009-04-29 23:21:49

Forum Posts: 330
Comments: 131
Reviews: 0
Well, let's see if I have a clue of what I'm doing here - it's been a long night, I have one eye half open and was about to lambast you Ani for not having a link to the forums from the main site...

And then I saw the relatively enormous button that said FORUM right up there near the very top...

And decided lambasting was not to be done this morning (where I live anyway).

At any rate I have now read an article - well I've read more than one - but this one I commented on

Eh hem.. I have an avatar over there (guess I'll see if I've got one here in a minute).

And then I'm going to check on the favorite articles feature - LATER, after I've slept
2009-04-29 23:38:21

Forum Posts: 330
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I have an avatar, a sig file, I think I have the smilies figured out - and after some moments of panic I discovered that the 'refresh page' button works pretty well when the page itself doesn't. I am not so sure that everything is working as well as Apprentice seems to feel that it is, however it is entirely possible that it's me that's not working as well as possible

So I be mum. For now. Sort of.

And just what is this water pollution business?!

I'll admit that I've not been a member of the S.W.A.T. team, but I have spent the past couple of years (Gods has it been that long?!) carrying his colors where possible.

And I ain't a fish!

2009-04-30 01:26:51

Forum Posts: 4842
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Reviews: 13
easy, Master, easy.
be gentle on the new features. beginnings aren't easy...

and THEY are the fish. the OTHERS.
the ones that need to be converted ; or chopped up for sushi
or sometimes just let be...
Anakin McFly
2009-04-30 10:33:20


Forum Posts: 3076
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and after some moments of panic I discovered that the 'refresh page' button works pretty well when the page itself doesn't.
2009-04-30 10:54:03

Forum Posts: 330
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Well, I have an idea it might be Firefox so don't get bent out of shape just yet dear Ani

I noticed during my visit last night (early this morning, whatever, that was long ago) that many pages had a tendency to not load completely on the first go round. The page refresh button corrected the problem though and all turned out well enough. Otherwise I've encountered nothing troublesome, and am extremely pleased with what you're doing here

Well, except the 'memory' function thingy isn't remembering me, I still have to keep logging in, but that's no big deal, at least for me
Anakin McFly
2009-04-30 13:05:31


Forum Posts: 3076
Comments: 405
Reviews: 1

I noticed during my visit last night (early this morning, whatever, that was long ago) that many pages had a tendency to not load completely on the first go round.
...Yeah, I've been getting that too. No idea why. I think it may be a server thing, because my webhost has been having hardware problems. Basically most of the pages consist of the layout and content in separate files, so sometimes the content loads but the layout doesn't.

Well, except the 'memory' function thingy isn't remembering me
Are your cookies turned off? Works fine for me.
2009-05-02 23:11:51

Forum Posts: 4842
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Reviews: 13
whoa ! Ani... the new look on the homepage is quite something !

Anakin McFly
2009-05-02 23:32:33


Forum Posts: 3076
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I actually wanted to change more than that, but IE and Firefox refused to give the same results.

Still trying to get the entire website on a fixed width layout, such that it doesn't stretch on wider screens, but when I do that I can't get the search bar in position without making the rest of the top menu unclickable in Firefox. argggh. May have to save that for a more drastic revamp.
2009-05-02 23:43:31

Forum Posts: 4842
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Reviews: 13
well, Firefox can be a b*tch sometimes... but it's the favorite browser of a lot of people ( myself included) so you have to find a way to reason with it...

but foxes are difficult...
don't blame them, though. it's in their nature...
2009-05-13 07:51:34

Forum Posts: 330
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Reviews: 0
Sorry Ani, it took me a bit to return to answer - I have cookies turned off.

Interesting thing, cookies. Some sites remember me anyway, some don't - the way they're set up I suppose? Can you tell that I failed 'hacker' class?

2009-06-09 14:44:05

Forum Posts: 83
Comments: 106
Reviews: 4
I think everything looks great. I was surprised to see my name earlier in the
thread though.
2009-06-21 14:53:09

Forum Posts: 330
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Well the little one is remembering me now and I didn't change my cookies settings

However, does anyone happen to have an idea of why, in the introduce yourself thread I'm getting a 'no-posts' when I click on it? Like nothing is there, and of course something is there 'cause I can click on Yvies1 name to the right (where she posted recently in the section) and it takes me to that thread (but still can't get to the rest of the section, even from there).

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