WINM Forums :: Introductions :: Well, ummhh --- hi there!

Well, ummhh --- hi there!
2009-08-31 22:09

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Anakin McFly
2009-08-31 23:05


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Hi! :D
blueclover2009-09-01 12:11

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Hello inkhuldra
2009-09-01 23:54

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Hmmm, yes, it looks like my intruduction post is gone! I can't even remember now what I wrote. Anyways, I'm a longtime Ke-fan from about 1994. I had a brief hiatus from my Ke-fandom from after the Matrix trilogy to around the time of Constantine, mostly due to my life being a little too hectic those years. Nowadays I find that I have the time to return to the wonderful alternative universe of being a fan, without it interfering too much with my real life.

I've met Our Man once, back in the mid 90's, but I had the good sense not to bother him other than to ask his permission to take his picture when others did the same. I don't think I could have exchanged two coherent words with him in any other situation. I also saw Dogstar four times, but without meeting him. I did get to chat briefly with Bret Domrose however, and he was very nice.

2009-09-02 02:16

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Welcome Inkhuldra :)
matrixnospoon032009-09-03 00:00

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Hey there, Inkhuldra!

You met Keanu? That's awesome :) I'm kind of jealous, since he's definitely the celebrity I want to meet most, haha.

2009-09-03 14:16

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Bravo your good sense in respecting his space :)
2009-09-04 23:01

Forum Posts: 1364
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Oh, it wasn't so much me respecting his space - it was more along the lines of me being so terrified that I knew I couldn't possibly open my mouth and utter another word.

But yes, I have the impression that although he's kind to his fans, he'd much rather have us leave him alone. Can't really say I blame him, either! :-)

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