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If I do a class speech on celebrity culture...
Anakin McFly
2012-03-27 23:22


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(been busy with school, hence the slower updates; sorry! Term ends mid-April)

ANYWAY, I need a topic for a persuasive speech in my public speaking class (25% of final grade), where we have to try to affect our audience's beliefs on a particular topic. One of the potential topics I'm considering is celebrity culture/fandom (perhaps narrowed down further to actors), and how - unlike the common stereotype - being in celebrity fandom can often be educational, productive, inspirational and generally positive.

I have a ton of anecdotal testimonies and such from celeb fans that I've collected through the years from here and elsewhere, so in that area I'm good to go and don't really need any more. :D
But it probably wouldn't be a very good speech if I'm just going to say "people think celebrity fans are X, but here's a bunch of quotes from fans saying otherwise!". So I'm hoping to have some varied format, and any suggestions there would be welcome!

Also, most of the 'professional' research on celebrity culture I've found has been generally negative, written by outsiders freaking out at us crazy people. Some of it just makes me angry. So I'm a bit worried about the variation in my sources if it's mostly going to be fan testimonies.

General questions!

- What kind of topics/misconceptions on celebrity culture do you suggest I cover?

- Do you know of any charities/movements/other good stuff that's emerged as a result of a celebrity fandom? Right now off the top of my head I have Random Acts and Sylar's Army, as well as Keanu fandom's fundraising efforts for StandUp2Cancer, but more suggestions are always welcome!

- Do you think there's a difference between celebrity fans who exist within a fandom and those who are more isolated in their obsession?
- Similarly, is there a proper distinction towards those who are obsessed with specific celebrities as opposed to celebrities in general? What about depth vs. breadth of obsession? (e.g. someone intensely obsessed with Keanu and Keanu alone vs. someone mildly interested in about a hundred actors)

- Where is the line between healthy/unhealthy obsession, when it comes to celebrities? ...I'm actually having a hard time figuring this out, because I'd think that if there were a line, I probably crossed it long ago - I mean, I built this site - but at the same time I consider myself perfectly sane at least when it comes to fandom. :|

- Links to any scholarly articles or books (preferably available online) in favour of celebrity fandom (as opposed to fandom in general; I have some of those) would be greatly appreciated, if you already know of any! (if you don't, don't go to the trouble of looking.)


lizaird2012-03-28 00:14

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Ani try using the term "parasocial relationships" if you are not familiar with it. That is the psychological term for fandom. You might get more scholarly info that way. Most psych papers I have read indicate that a parasocial relationship is positive, to a varying degree.

I found this old power point ebook (a little out of date) but it does have relevant info and terms for your speech.

Hope I can help. Cheers!

2012-03-28 00:31

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Ani - you think you crossed that line? YOU?
... take a look at Topix lately and see what 'crossing the line' really means.

On second thought... better not. DON'T go there. Only after you're done with the school stuff- and even then I'd advice against it.

lizaird2012-03-28 00:31

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Here is one paper

lizaird2012-03-28 00:32

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Luca Check out the 1st link I gave Ani - it clearly defines several types of "fans" including the one going on at topix.
Anakin McFly
2012-03-28 00:37


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@lizaird: Thank you for the links! yeah, I know about parasocial interaction. :D I'll look through the papers tomorrow, since it's past midnight here and I'm off to bed soon.

Ani - you think you crossed that line? YOU?
... take a look at Topix lately and see what 'crossing the line' really means.

Hence my wondering about where one draws the line and how. As in, in terms of fandom activity I might be further along than those people - I'm guessing none of them worked 6 hours for 40 days straight compiling and copyediting about a thousand Keanu articles >_> - but despite that possibly have a healthier involvement in fandom.

2012-03-28 00:42

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line? what line?

(don't ask me how much time I spent editing Funkie's emails for the site. the answer would be two full weekends ;))

it's a particle, it's a wave ;) :D

Anakin McFly
2012-03-28 00:43


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lizaird2012-03-28 00:44

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Good Night Ani

Passing thought - you were looking for positives from fandom right? Well the skillsets acquired and the persistance necessary to complete 240 hours worth of an activity is remarkable to say the least. Besides many of those acquired skillsets are transferable to many different tasks so that has got to be a positive right?

Anakin McFly
2012-03-28 00:45


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2012-03-28 01:42

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Wow, what an awesome topic, Ani! You might try searching dissertation databases to see if anyone has done doctoral research on this. Outside of the psychology literature, you might also explore the literature from cultural studies/anthropology/sociology.

Any chance we'll get to read (or hear!) your speech? Maybe you could Skype us all in that day in class... ;D

2012-03-28 05:12

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Ani, you keep using the term obsession/obsessed, so I have to ask if you`re suggesting that being a fan necessarily means to be obsessed?
Anakin McFly
2012-03-28 15:13


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@Chiara Definitely not! though in this case I want to focus specifically on those where their fandom can be described as an obsession (as opposed to more casual fans). So yeah, some of my terms could have been better phrased; thanks for pointing it out!

@BlueGem heh, doubt I can do a recording, but I'll post the text!

@lizaird: Looking through your links!
okay I definitely fall into the 'intense-personal' category of fan.
ahaha the one on parasocial interaction had this: "In keeping with the call by Reeves and Anderson (1991) for the study of media to enrich psychology..."

reeves and anderson


2012-03-28 16:04

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The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us.

2012-03-28 16:56

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Ani,you`re very welcome.

Definitely not!

I`m glad you think so and I agree.
Lots of us check out what`s going on with the person we like almost every day and somebody could ask what is that if it`s not obsession.I wouldn`t agree cause we check out the weather forecast for example every day too,but nobody could think we`re obsessed with it.
There is sth else.I like to think about myself I`m not a celebrity fan.It`s just happened that the person I like and worship his craft is a celebrity.I don`t know if you`ll understand what I`m talking about,but I see the difference there.

Where is the line between healthy/unhealthy obsession,

From medical point of view obsession is basically unhealthy.
lizaird2012-03-28 21:32

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I don't agree on the "obsession point". I have stated freely that I have been involved in KR fandom for more than 30 years, and many have said "obsessed. I would say that I have an intense interest rather than obsession. Obsession seems in my mind to indicate "the exclusion of other things". That is the point that I would say obsession becomes unhealthy.

I do check routinely and often different sites related to KR fandom, but over the years I have learned it is more about other like minded individuals than KR himself. Over the years I have developed virtual friends and call it "acquaintances" because of my interest in KR. Because the social circle in my RL has dwindled I find solace in having these Virtual friends.

We all have different priorities in life, and what matters to one is often different in value to another. There is a new type of event happening and it comes from the marketing world. It may be of interest to your background for this speech. Market Trending is very valuable and how people and why people make the choices they do have an effect on marketing trends. Check this out and look at the trending segments in particular clanning.

2012-03-29 00:32

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what lizaird said re.'obsession'.

I have been called 'obsessed' by Iflipout and her/his kind. no comment on that. ;)

And please don't get me started on 'the medical pov'. If it were up to 'them', we'd all live on prozac pills and sleepwalk through life.

2012-03-29 07:50

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I just came back from a trip during which I got together with a "virtual" friend whom I met through another celebrity's fansite. We would never have met if it were not for our mutual "obsession" with an actor who happens to be an admirable person and humanitarian. I don't think we even mentioned the actor once while we were together, but we have an understanding of one anothers' values based on our admiration for this actor. I happen to think that's awesome and it's a testament to the influence people we don't even know can have on our lives.

@lizaird, my life is so busy that it is hard to get together with my local friends, so I take solace, too, in my virtual friends. It widens my world. Otherwise, I would likely never meet and "talk with" someone from Norway, the Philippines, or Japan!

Anyway, Ani, there's always "Jing" or "Snagit" for recording ;D

I was also thinking about what you asked about other celeb fandoms that have led to charitable or other activities. I don't know if this counts, but a group of fans within Beauty and the Beast fandom years ago created a group called Band of Angels, which was involved in emotional support and charitable activities connected with the late actor Edward Albert, Jr. B&B fandom had always featured charity auctions at its conventions (even the virtual ones) and Edward Albert - who played a recurring character on the 1980s CBS TV series - was a very popular guest at the Cons and usually emceed the charity auctions. Older folks might recall him as having been in a film called Butterflies are Free many years ago.

I met him several times and always enjoyed having him at the events, although I was not what I would call a major fan of his. The last time I saw him was in 2001 in NYC (just before 9-11); he called his dad (the actor Eddie Albert, who starred in a 1960s American TV show called "Green Acres") on his cell phone because it was his 95th birthday, put the phone on speaker, and had the entire Convention audience (several hundred of us) sing Happy Birthday to him. He was that kind of guy - took care of this dad through Alzheimer's to the end, although he himself was already ill with cancer.

This subgroup of fans honored Edward Albert by creating BOA (Band of Angels) and he was actually quite heavily involved in it - he would send personal thank you's to donors and also send autographs and notes upon request to members who had asked on the behalf of others (usually people who were terminally ill or had some other crisis going on in which a note of encouragement from their favorite actor held great meaning). I don't know if BOA is still active (Albert died, unfortunately only in his mid-fifties, a few years ago), but I might be able to find out if you want to talk to the founder - I think I am on a Facebook group with her. There are YouTube videos of his appearances - the founder writes on one of them that "The occasion was his fan club meeting, but from that meeting was born the group Band of Angels - a group to provide family and support to each other and those who cross our paths. Edward's love and generosity of spirit touched many lives and the love he shared continues on as his legacy. "

I don't know if that's the kind of thing you are looking for, but thought I would share it!

Anakin McFly
2012-03-31 18:48


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Thanks for your replies!

(for some reason I didn't get notifications. argh. I don't know if it's Yahoo!Mail or WINM that's responsible.)

2012-03-31 22:12

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Ani - I think it's yahoo. they failed to send me notifications from twitter :(

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