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Introductions, genealogies, and Hawaiiana
naea2013-04-15 11:49

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Aloha e fellow fans, I am Naea and I am related to Keanu through both my paternal, through Emma Kaoo Jarrett, and maternal side, through the Sheltons. I have noticed some posts referring to Keanu as being part Chinese, and I admit to some confusion regarding this point, because I don't find any Chinese in the line. I am guessing this derives from Federal census transcriptions that mistranslated the census designation "CH" which stood for "Caucasian - Hawaiian", and erroneously entered the race as "Chinese". I see this frequently when researching Hawaiian genealogies using the Federal databases. Does anybody have any hard evidence of Chinese ethnicity in this family?
Anakin McFly
2013-04-15 11:59


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Hi, and welcome!
I've heard that Keanu's maternal grandmother Sarah M. Victor was of Chinese heritage, where 'Victor' was the Anglocised version of a Chinese name, but I don't have the source right now because I'm typing this on my phone. I'll get back to you on this tomorrow. :)
naea2013-04-15 16:14

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I researched further up the Victor line, and there were in fact some part Chinese Hawaiians 5 generations removed from Keanu on the Victor line, which would make him 1/128ths Chinese... a minute blood quantum by any measurement. Victor was an assumed name, not an anglisized name. Ako, the paternal Chinese ancestor married a full Hawaiian named Kaehe. Their son, Kamukai, was adopted according to Hawaiian traditional practice by a relative of his mother, named Aina who was married to Maria Kawaihae. In 1848 a Hawaiian law dictated that all Hawaiians must adopt a Christian first name, and take the father's name as a last name (or the mother's name if conceived out of wedlock). This law caused mass confusion, and many people took whatever name they fancied. Children of the same parents took different surnames...anyway, there is no proof as to WHY Kamukai took the surname VICTOR, but it was most certainly not an anglisized form of a Chinese name. In any event, Kamukai married a woman who was half Chinese and half Hawaiian, named Amelia Ah Akoi. After these two I can find no further instances of ethnic Chinese in the line. One of their children, Joseph Aiona Victor, married Maggie Makakapu Pahio. This couple's child, George Peter Victor would have been 1/8th Chinese. He married Lillian, and had 6 children, among whom was a daughter Lillian. Lillian married Samuel Reeves. Together they had Samuel Jr. Samuel Jr was 1/32nd Chinese. Their child, Samuel Jr, is Keanu's father

Anakin McFly
2013-04-15 22:22


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Whoa, that's an impressive amount of research! Thanks for the correction regarding the Victor name. :)

He married Lillian, and had 6 children, among whom was a daughter Lillian.

You mean Sarah?

That would actually put Keanu at 1/64ths Chinese, not 1/128ths, but yeah, it's still minimal. I think at some point Keanu said that that side of his family was probably Polynesian rather than strictly Chinese.

Though I'm also curious about Samuel Reeves Sr.'s own ancestry, because his mother was Rose Lokalia Miguel, who was half-Hawaiian and half-Portugese, and it's possible that she also had Chinese ancestry.

It seems that Keanu looks too East Asian to just be 1/64 Chinese, but that could be due to his Hawaiian roots instead.

naea2013-04-16 07:07

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Yes... my error, I did mean "Sarah"... and yes, again, it would be 1/64th. I got the 1/128th by tracing only the paternal line initially, leaving out the great great great grandmother's contribution. I am not certain that Rose Miguel's line would yield more Chinese... that is pretty much just speculation, and there is no readily available data on that line that I can find... but I have three portraits I could post... if there is someplace to post photos.
Anakin McFly
2013-04-16 09:09


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Sure! You could try a free image hosting site like or, then post the links here.
naea2013-04-16 09:33

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GGGgrandfather Kamokai Victor
naea2013-04-16 09:39

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GGGgrandmother Amelia Ah Akoi
debrajwebb2014-03-22 02:03

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Genealogy research is fascinating ! I have some Reeves person and or people in my ancestry as well as many other interesting names and people in USA, Northern and Central Europe. Many native and indigenous peoples groups and cultures were colonized by different countries, kingdoms and cultures and there were many adoptions, name changes, intermarriages and even slaves and bond servants who were bought and sold, adopted and or married and intermarried into families back in the ages past. Thank you for sharing your research! Blessings ;-) <3
Xyz1232020-04-02 04:59:12

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Does anyone know anything about Keanu's mothers side of the family. I know she came from England. Does anyone know her parents names?

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