WINM Forums :: Everything Else KCR :: Bracelet on his left wrist

Bracelet on his left wrist
anita7722013-05-05 04:51

Forum Posts: 143
Comments: 6
Reviews: 0
In the last few weeks, Keanu has been sporting a tied- on striped bracelet on his left wrist. What does this signify? Is it a friendship thing? A Buddhist thing? Do we know who tied it onto him?
2013-05-05 07:13

Forum Posts: 2836
Comments: 74
Reviews: 11
No we do not and we want to know:) I doubt it is a buddhist thing. He has one off and on over the years. My speculation is that a young person near and dear to his heart ties it on him and he just leaves it there. I am sure they love to see pictures of him wearing it.

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