Star Wars Trailer | |||
ckage | 2014-11-29 05:50:08 | ||
Forum Posts: 474 Comments: 6 Reviews: 0 | So (Anakin), have you got opinions? :|
Mine: they took awhile to get a lightsaber didn't quite look like a sward. | ||
Anakin McFly | 2014-11-30 15:43:25 | ||
ADMIN Forum Posts: 3076 Comments: 405 Reviews: 1 | :D The overall trailer was disappointing, but when the main theme music kicked in it made me insanely happy. And I love the internet comments over the swiss-army lightsaber. Someone speculated that it was to prevent people from the Star Wars tradition of chopping off arms, which is actually a good point. | ||
ckage | 2014-12-01 06:43:04 | ||
Forum Posts: 474 Comments: 6 Reviews: 0 | The trailer was basically a sequence of non-plot revealing short flashes, but I'm grateful it wasn't just a long pan over the Star Wars logo with dramatic music in the background.
I saw the trailer with three other dudes, and opinions on the swiss-army lightsaber were pretty mixed: two loved it, two (where I was included) were meh about it. The best part: the articles carefully analyzing the mechanics of the football droid. | ||
Anakin McFly | 2014-12-01 09:18:00 | ||
ADMIN Forum Posts: 3076 Comments: 405 Reviews: 1 |
Hahahaha yes. Some people seemed to think that the lightsaber design applied to all the lightsabers, and if that's the case I'd be horrified. But if it's just a different variety of lightsaber, like the double-bladed one, then that'll be cool.
Oh, Internet. |
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