WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: JOHN WICK?

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2014-10-01 02:40

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Yeah, they are taking time but going back to older ones and replying too. Their costume designer is Luca Mosca! Secret identity?

Thanks again axie, gotta get some shuteye :-) it's 12.30am here. Was nice to see joke(hope same person) and spirit as well!

Spirit, great multi tasking!

2014-10-01 02:46

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@Luca??! ;) What've you been up to now?


2014-10-01 02:47

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That's weird Mme, your posts took a while to show up on my end. The reddit link and comment after.
2014-10-01 02:52

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Eh, I'm a (wo)man with a thousand faces ;)

2014-10-01 02:56

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Yup, some of those questions were mine. And this time I got some answered, probably because this reddit was a lot less hectic than Keanu's.
2014-10-01 03:01

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Eh, I'm a (wo)man with a thousand faces ;)

Behind a mask and in front of the mirror?!

2014-10-01 03:02

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just one mirror?
2014-10-01 03:17

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2014-10-01 04:07

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@neaura, I tried, but ended up doing it in math instead, as the bandroom has spotty phone service. Wanted to ask a better question, too, but by the time I got there every good one I could think of had already been asked, so I went with the lesser.

Although, now I really want to know the greatness of "Oh."

Enjoy your sleep, it's only 4 where I am, so I got plenty more hours to go.

Anakin McFly
2014-10-01 10:24


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Awesome! Glad you guys got your questions answered. :D
2014-10-01 19:51

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@Spirit: Ah Maths! Good times! My Major :) That was a decent enough question. I took a day and half and came up with that dreary little query! May be KR will do another AMA and you will get to ask a fantabulous question then! Fingers crossed for you!

And, i think that 'oh' is mentioned in one of the interviews.. it's there in the thread but maybe you should wait and watch :-)

@Ani: Can you add the new John Wick poster for the article in the home page?? Pretty please?!!

@Joke: April 15th 2015????? Oh My!
Am thanking all my lucky stars! Its releasing on 24th Oct in India (hopefully in my city)

2014-10-01 20:46

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Second trailer review

Interview, it's actually a pretty neat interview :-). Shortened the url, it was exceptionally long. Hope it works.

but I like Griffin

2014-10-01 20:54

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April 30th actually. You never know though, maybe if John Wick is a big success in the US they'll move the release date here (Netherlands).

Unfortunately I'm busy end of October otherwise I might have planned a little trip to Denmark (October 23rd).

I'm hoping for a convenient release date for the UK, so I have an excuse to go to London for some Christmas shopping and John Wick watching.

If that doesn't pan out I could always hop over (sort of) to Germany (January 22nd), although it might be hard to find a non-dubbed version of John Wick there.

2014-10-01 21:00

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Ah ok, then I really hope they release it in your place! I can't believe there's no info on UK release!
Anakin McFly
2014-10-02 13:12


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whoa it comes out in Singapore two days before the US. (well, one day, but two if taking time difference into account.)

but I like Griffin

me too. Griffin rules.

2014-10-02 19:17

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Griffin WOULD have "ruled" (serial killer, folks? seriously? I prefer Constantine) had there been actual direction. I'm with Keanu on this one (there's a shock) - it's a disaster, and not in a good way. How can ANYONE possibly screw up Keanu AND James Spader AND Marisa Tomei?

and look at you, Anakin! two days before us! hmmmph!!! pfffft! lucky you!

2014-10-02 20:56

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Long one but i guess the section we would be bothered about begins after 13 odd minutes.

@MmeRenard : i haven't watched the entire movie yet but from whatever scenes I have seen I think it's got nothing to do with the evilness of the character. I agree, psychopaths do not make for lovable characters but it's the little attributes that fascinate me, may be the neatness,the precision in approach and execution, the un-sloppiness, if i may call it that. It doesnt make for a great character in real life and i wouldn't want one stalking me or anybody for that matter, but it does make for an interesting analysis. Maybe the movie in its entirety didn't work, i don't know yet, but i do like Griffin :-).

Well, Constantine is and has a soul :-). Wish for a sequel! Do i see a shooting star?

@Joke: am sure you'd be following this closely but just in case you missed it, Christmas release in the UK :-)

Anakin McFly
2014-10-02 21:20


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I definitely wouldn't want Griffin around me IRL ( is the case for most of my favourite fictional characters, actually), but I found him hilarious in the movie, and not necessarily unintentionally so. He's like this gigantic troll who also happens to be a serial killer. He isn't satisfied just killing people; he also has to really, really annoy them. And I think some of that was quite possibly a nice side effect of Keanu's negative, reluctantly obliging attitude towards the film., he's really fun to write. Especially when Jack Traven is in the vicinity. He would totally drive Jack up the wall.

2014-10-02 21:30

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Anyone in the vicinity want to give it a shot?

@Ani: that's actually interesting :-) will have to watch it fully to get a hold of the 'annoy the hell out of em' thing!

Anakin McFly
2014-10-02 23:28


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Well, technically the targets of his killing and annoying aren't always the same people. :D

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