WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: JOHN WICK?

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2014-10-07 02:38

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NY-ers, this one's for you :)

Meet The Actor Keanu Reeves

Join Actor Keanu Reeves As He Discusses His Career & New Movie - John Wick
Apple Store, SoHo |
103 Prince St | (212) 226-3126

Monday, October 13th, 2014
5:00PM - 6:00PM


Join actor Keanu Reeves, directors Chad Stahelski and David Leitch, and producer Basil Iwanyk for a moderated conversation and audience Q&A about their new film "John Wick." The stylized action thriller follows former hit man John Wick (Reeves) as he comes out of retirement to track down the gangsters who took everything from him.

2014-10-07 06:49

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John Wick IMAX® TV Spot
Some new scenes from the film!
2014-10-07 06:58

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thank you!
2014-10-07 21:50

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Apple Store, SoHo

Lets hope video of it comes out pretty quickly and not just on itunes.

I quite liked the last apple store promo last year for MOTC. I think this one should be excellent with both KR and the directors.

2014-10-07 22:00

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I know it will be hard watching the dog being killed.

Nothing quite gets folks upset as the death of an animal on screen. It just hits in the gut. Weird because how many deaths happen in JW? A bunch right? We just shrug at those but lord...the tears at a puppy getting killed.

My 15 year old dog is a Beagle/Lab mix. He's short like a Beagle, same ears and face. He has a body very similar to a corgi just taller. Black, short hair and some lab features.

They breed them specifically like that [called Labbes] but where he originally came from is Mississippi, so he's designed to go after rabbits and such. He knows hand and whistle signals.
Sadly now that he's 15 he is regressing. *sigh* He knows his signals but wants to ignore me. Barks at phantom noises. Poor guy. He even has excitement poops. When one of my family members drops in they bring treats for both dogs [malamute 17 she has her wits still] and Clyde the Beagle/Lab will get too excited, gotta be quick and open the back door so he can run outside.

Clyde had 3 'homes' before me at age 5. I always rec adopting an adult dog. Clyde didn't know hand and whistle signals until I taught him. He also sneezes [blows air out of his nose while shaking his head] for YES [I can ask him what is it? Opossum, rabbit, rat?] his no is just a head shake that makes his ears flop. He also does the sneezing thing when he wants his dinner and I'm late. LOL. He tells me off, following me making the 'yes' command noise.

2014-10-07 22:15

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I'm with Keanu on this one (there's a shock) - it's a disaster, and not in a good way. How can ANYONE possibly screw up Keanu AND James Spader AND Marisa Tomei?


I've tried and tried with The Watcher and simply can't watch it. Never been able to sit and watch it from beginning to end.

Frankly it sucked serious wind. [Sorry to those that love it.]

Keanu does a fantastic bad guy. He really can chew up the scene when he's acting bad. The Gift? shudder he was such a creep.

The Watcher? When I see that scene with the candles and that dance, off it goes. It's just ridiculous. I do blame the director on what went wrong. Since Reeves clearly can pull off sinister bad guy. The entire premise to me was just 'eh.

Just my humble opinion.

2014-10-07 22:29

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Hey, I forced myself to watch that movie. It's bad. Really bad.
But Griffin as a character? Damn interesting. In the hands of a skilled writer and director... it could have been a lot more. Even so, and even while completely disliking the whole thing, Reeves did a great job with the very little he was given to work with.

He also makes for good fanfiction :)
In the Keanuspawn universe/s, Griffin adds balance.
And in his own universe, he rules.
(now I'm getting nostalgic.).

2014-10-07 22:47

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Got it! Am on that link, watching. Thank u!! And lovely question from your end :-)

@Neaura your question received many up votes, still getting more. Last I saw it was around 13. Not bad at all for this type of AMA.

My question on the other hand? wasn't understood and got down voted to the point I just deleted it.
The reason I think they didn't quite get it is they've worked with him on so many films, they probably don't give his process a second thought. Where, when I was lucky enough to watch him work, could see the anxiety? I think is the right word and that's what I meant about painful but at the same time, it was fascinating to see him bounce around. dunno, hard to explain certainly wasn't negative in anyway. However, I was the newb watching.

[love the lighting aspect as a hobbyist photographer; btw if anyone is interested my flickr a/c which is a few pages back now on this thread has been updated several times since posting the link. ]

2014-10-07 22:51

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But Griffin as a character? Damn interesting. In the hands of a skilled writer and director... it could have been a lot more.

could have been a lot more; too bad it wasn't I did try to watch it.

And, yes I am having too much fun with emoticons.

2014-10-07 23:31

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well, I'm a masochist that way :D
but could never watch The Watcher or Coppola's Dracula more than once :D
I've got my limits ;)
Lizaird2014-10-08 00:11

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I have watched Dracula more than once. Unfortunately it is not Keanu's best performance but I give him credit for trying. (personally I think it was a maturity issue I had with both Winnona and Keanu - they seemed impossibly young for their characters).

No the reason I watch is because I just adore the scene in the garden maze with Lucy. People forget this won an Oscar for costume design. Eiko Ishioka had a mesmirizing career and many of the costumes are very "spiritual" and interesting.

It also reminds me (that same scene) of the movie "The Hunger". First time I ever saw a screen credit for "Curtain Director".

Lizaird2014-10-08 00:14

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As for The Watcher - well truth is it makes me wince. The scene mentioned above of him dancing round candles and dancing etc. is the apex of what is wrong with this film.

Agreed you shouldn't have gone wrong with this cast - but it did. It makes me wince because there was sooooo much potential for something really creepy. The way Keanu portrayed Griffen as shall we say "a shark that smiles" is spot on. People forget that Ted Bundy was a charmer just like Griffen.

Anakin McFly
2014-10-08 09:21


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I thought the candle/dancing scene was hilarious. As was most of the movie, actually; I think that's how I got through it - I couldn't take the movie seriously at all. I wouldn't say it's a good film (and I probably won't watch it again), but it entertained me enough; mostly because Griffin is fascinating as a character, and there's something I like about serial killers who also happen to be gigantic trolls. Everyone else in the movie was taking everything so seriously (as they should have), whereas Griffin was just going LOLOLOLOLOL and having fun at everyone's expense. And I liked the added layer of how Keanu had really not wanted to do this film. That particular nonchalance and lack of care on his part added something special to his portrayal.

He also makes for good fanfiction :)
In the Keanuspawn universe/s, Griffin adds balance.

2014-10-08 19:55

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Thanks axie!Although I have no clue what an upvote is. Going by how it sounds am guessing it is akin to a 'like' elsewhere. I was telling this to Spirit too, May be KR will do another AMA(you never know) and we all will get to ask swell questions! I will check out those new photographs, thanks for posting them!

I seriously want to watch 'The Watcher' especially after reading Ani's take on it. I can see that nobody actually likes the movie as a whole(and it is a pity considering it has a good cast and a great premise and they obviously did not capitalize on it, not to mention the fact that KR's portion ballooned irritating him considerably in the process) but I do want to see the 'Keanuness' that he brings to Griffin.

and... NO, I won't watch Dracula again either :( I tried, even recently.

Anyone going to the NYC event?

2014-10-09 02:28

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I wish I could tell this guy a few things, but the 'add a comment' option on that site doesn't work. Wonder why. (grrrrr)

Anyway, this should go in the archive. If only so we could search 'Keannaisance' a few years from now ;)

2014-10-09 02:46

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anyone who calls Generation Um.. "terrible" is a moron who should not be allowed to get within 100 feet of a cinema.
2014-10-09 02:51

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oh, he should...
he just shouldn't be allowed to write about it ;)

but seriously now. I can't take seriously anyone who calls Gen Um "terrible".
or someone who writes lines like "worst title to every make it down the pipe', or "the genre and roles for which we was always meant to be play".
Someone please proofread this guy's posts. Or better yet, hire a coherent writer ;)

2014-10-09 02:57

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Well, he'd better not be anywhere near me or I'd be tempted to go all John Wick-ish, maybe verbally...

The freaking title said PRECISELY what it intended to say, and the stupidity of anyone who doesn't get that is dizzying.

I mean, I can understand people not liking it, because it's a difficult and disturbing film. It's also magnificent.

2014-10-09 03:02

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it's a difficult and disturbing film. It's also magnificent.

True. It's all of that and more. And to understand it, one needs to understand its language. Which is not just dialogue...

2014-10-09 04:42

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Keanu Reeves - one of the most successful actors in film history ($4,134,520,394 at the box office) and a pop culture icon.
And who are you, Mr. Baumgartner?
Seriously, this kind of 'journalism' makes me die a little inside when I read it.

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