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Want to start a joint blog?
2008-05-15 23:22:27

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Well, it's one of the defaults, but I played around with it a bit. I'm not quite happy with it yet.

The header image is also mine... It's actually a detail of a K-man wallpaper I once did. I really have to make a decent header, thought. Do you think it should have his face on it?

edit: You could post your answer on the blog, with a link to the pic...
2008-05-15 23:59:10

Forum Posts: 142
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Ok - I want in too. You are gonna have to guide me through it though.

Ok, I think I set up a google account with this email -

Hope thats all I need (and for you to add me of course).
2008-05-16 04:18:30

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(LuxuriantN @ May 15 2008, 11:59 PM)
Ok - I want in too. You are gonna have to guide me through it though.

Ok, I think I set up a google account with this email -

Hope thats all I need (and for you to add me of course).

You've been invited, Lux. The invitation must have been sent to that e-mail you gave. The e-mail should have the directions you have to follow.

But any questions, let me know.

2008-05-16 13:30:23

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Ok, I am in. Whooohooooo! to think of something to 'blog'!

I didnt comment on your fabulous blog ckage as I didnt want to make it look like a message board (and I guess we know we all agree on the points you raised).

The page looks great.
Anakin McFly
2008-05-16 20:51:55


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The header image is also mine... It's actually a detail of a K-man wallpaper I once did.

...Ah. I, uh, thought it was an Indian woman. Um.

I really have to make a decent header, thought. Do you think it should have his face on it?

Nah; though stick the full whoa is not me on there somewhere, and link the site.

Or there's this:

user posted image

though it wasn't made with the blog in mind and isn't the best for the purposes.
2008-05-16 21:59:21

Forum Posts: 474
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OK. I'll be doing some changes on the blog right now.
2008-05-17 03:58:57

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Add me please! (yes, it is a Google account, I checked to make sure it works)
Anakin McFly
2008-05-17 10:34:50


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Okay, you. List all the Keanu movies you've seen.

...Were you the person who didn't see the Matrix until after you'd read all my fanfic, then you went to read them all again and told me how everything suddenly made sense?
Anakin McFly
2008-05-17 17:10:07


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Steanu wants to be added ->
2008-05-18 08:16:30

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(Anakin McFly @ May 17 2008, 10:34 AM)
Okay, you. List all the Keanu movies you've seen.

...Were you the person who didn't see the Matrix until after you'd read all my fanfic, then you went to read them all again and told me how everything suddenly made sense?

Okay, fine, so I've only seen five. I'm working on seeing more this summer, though.

And I don't think so, but maybe? It was a really long time ago.

fake edit: I just found some of my first reviews on your account...

Hey! Have I mentioned I LOVE ur writing? Believe me, MY ffs are Much worse than urs.

I LOVE your writing. I think you are the best writer on YES YOU SHOULD CONTINUE IT! I think it is a good idea for Kyn to go into the real world. A poor little spoon all alone in the big, bad world...I LOVE IT!

PS- Are you male or female? My friends and I think you are male, but you never really say. Just wondering...
PPS- I play the oboe!

HAHAHA ow my brain hurts.

However, after reading the reviews, I believe not. I first saw The Matrix in Summer 2004, I believe, and it looks like I didn't make any reviews of your fanfic until that fall or winter. And I didn't communicate with you except through reviews for... a very long time.
2008-05-18 09:08:50

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Ok, I posted something. It's an article I read that really made an impression on me. It's looooooooooooong but I guess thats ok?
Anakin McFly
2008-05-18 15:42:15


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Don't know if that's such a good idea; it might constitute plagiarism of some sort. The article's already linked on the main site.
2008-05-18 17:23:24

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I did credit the writer at the top of the article.

Ok, I'll delete it...and make this my last foray into the world of blogs LOL.

I told you I didnt get it...

Edit: I deleted but its still showing on the main page although not in the list of posts and I cant access it. Hopefully it (and my blogging career) will disappear soon lol.
2008-05-19 03:07:04

Forum Posts: 474
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You could add a comment on why you like that article...

2008-05-23 18:00:39

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I went and posted something on one of the fish. So there's something new over here:

Nobody else interested in posting? I don't want to be the only nut ranting...

How about this thing here -> Anybody? I would do it, but I just know I would end my post with some extreme name calling, and that's not very constructive.
2008-05-23 20:05:23

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Great blog Ckage - I love the way you write.

As for the other fish, I answered there already (as MsT). He came back and replied to most peeps. He seems up for a spirited but respectful debate lol.

Go get 'em Anakin! lol
Anakin McFly
2008-05-25 16:11:43


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I'll send him an e-mail. Everyone chuck in your comments, and if there's too much name-calling I'll try to even it out somehow.
Anakin McFly
2008-08-20 12:54:44


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I wrote a long blog entry. Go me!
2008-08-21 18:21:09

Forum Posts: 474
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Go You!

I've been thinking about revamping that layout; It looks too... sepia.
Anakin McFly
2008-08-21 20:48:59


Forum Posts: 3076
Comments: 405
Reviews: 1

Oh, and add tags to your posts. That way random blog surfers can find 'em more easily.

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