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Which Keanu character are you - quiz
2009-09-22 14:17

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Well unfortunately I have some kind of block with Nicholson, he just doesn't do a thing for me, never has even to the point that while I can appreciate that he did a good job with the piece, I can't manage much interest beyond the ending credits. Only thing I ever liked him in was Wolf (or was it Werewolf, can't even remember the title, see?).

Thoroughly enjoyed SGG and I think she was an idiot, but that's just me ;).

If I remember correctly I got Griffin on that original thingy :-/.

2009-09-22 16:22

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*nods in agreement* Keanu's character was so sweet throughout the whole thing, I couldn't help but root for him either. And it was well done the way Julian stepped aside for Harry. I just wish they'd shown Keanu more than they did.
keanugirl762009-09-24 15:36

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I got Julian Mercer :) in the first test, and Paul Sutton :) in the second.
2010-05-16 07:25

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Answering honestly, I got Neo. I've gotten Neo on every one of these tests I've taken. I wonder what that says about me...
2012-03-30 00:25

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Oh.My.God. I got Donnie Barksdale. :|

(Is it cause I picked that NIN song??)

historical babe
2012-05-22 14:52

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The older one gave me a tie between Siddhartha and Ted. I'm not sure what that says about... anything
2012-05-22 23:39

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Well that sounds lovely, I would have been pleased getting those. Whatever it says it's gotta be better than what Donnie Barksdale suggests... :/
anna2012-06-03 10:03

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my was i forget his name the chearter from a walk in the coluds

2012-12-28 12:36

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I got The Good & Hawt Doctor! Yippeeee! I'd love to ... "get" him. ;)
2012-12-28 14:07

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I also got Neo...
Anakin McFly
2014-06-04 13:58


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hah. I just did that second test again, and it gave me a 100% match with Eddie Kasalivich. :|

Then Jack, then Neo, then Ted. Griffin was way down in the bottom. So I guess things have changed a lot in the past 5 years, but there'll always be a bit of Neo in me. :|

2014-06-05 01:54

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I am an FBI agent who knows Kung Fu! Fuck yeah! :D
2014-06-05 02:15

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Ani - took the second test just now and got Griffin :|

the universe, it seems, is not without a sense of humor :D

re-took it and got Neo.
now if that's not yin/yang.... :|

Anakin McFly
2014-06-05 09:19


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Yin Yang would be Griffin and Jack. :D :|
2014-06-05 20:33

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mine is Paul Sutton and Neo came in a tight 2nd. Dr. Mercer would be just as fine though...
2014-06-05 23:00

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2014-08-18 01:49

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Took the second test. . .

100% Ted, then 88% Siddhartha, then 83% Neo. . .

I'm Ted! xD :D

2014-08-26 18:45

Forum Posts: 247
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Neo for me too :) hope it really isn't rigged!! - am glad anyway!

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