WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: JOHN WICK?

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2014-10-24 14:06:34

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Anakin McFly
2014-10-24 14:11:22


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...What's this I hear about John Wick spending some time with the Widowed Hitmen of America (WHOA)?
2014-10-24 14:30:25

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You read that review? One of those know-it-alls who wants to rename The Continental....I'm not expecting everyone to like the movie of course but it's one of those reviews that screams ridiculousness

2014-10-25 01:51:28

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2014-10-25 02:37:33

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I won't say more right now, but you REALLY want to see this in IMAX. Really!
2014-10-25 02:43:35

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*sigh*. Not available in my neighborhood :(

anita7722014-10-25 07:18:00

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Oh, man, that was a good film! I saw the first show today. Amazing choreography, beautifully filmed and Keanu was stunningly good. My female friend and I were the only women in an audience of about 50, which was kind of odd, but it's not a chick flick by any means.
2014-10-25 07:21:34

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I have discovered the greatness of "Oh."

"It has everything it needs to be a successful movie; cute dog, love, murder, revenge, bullets, fast cars, and a story." - my dad.

"It was good." - my mom, in her limited views.

I can honestly say that I was pleasantly surprised. I walked in hoping and fully expecting a good film, with a well thought out story, enhanced by an excellent cast and fantastic choreography. I left fully satisfied, a bit more once I saw the ending.

anita7722014-10-25 07:28:43

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2014-10-25 08:45:03

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Luca, it's 200 miles one way for me, but I REALLY wanted to see it. Twice!

In some ways - because his films are so hard to compare - I think it's some of Keanu's best work ever. Emotional, ferocious with fully crazy eyes, cool and precise, funny with that very dry humor, a fully formed character. I will be terribly disappointed if we don't get a prequel and maybe, possibly a sequel.

By the way, I don't think i'm giving anything away that hasn't been in trailers etc when I say that I could see (I think) EVERY "virtual Neo" in Reloaded (and that bothered me) but I can't see - so far - ANY cuts in the fights at ALL. Given that there are no fewer and probably a lot more than 5? 6? major fights, all of which are LONG, that's amazing. My humble opinion is that Keanu now DOES do stunts.

This is CINEMA. It has all the badassedness of Clint Eastwood plus Keanu's particular style and vulnerability. Chad and Dave did a brilliant job. The cinematography is gorgeous. The score is great. The Marilyn Manson song is...a Marilyn Manson song. OK for what it is, but I'm not a huge fan. The actors throughout are excellent. A wonderful film.

Friendly advice - the thing with the dog is MUCH harder than I'd even expected, animal lovers take note.

2014-10-25 11:56:37

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@MmeRenard - thanks! Would probably keep my eyes closed for the Daisy scene(or ears). I've to wait for another 20 days to even see if it plays near my place. AM WATCHING THIS NO MATTER WHAT! :-)

I'm loving the reactions on IMDb too! So happy that people are able to relate and travel with the character! Arghh wish it was 14th Nov already!

christine2014-10-25 12:10:59

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'John Wick' Is Keanu Reeves' Best Movie Since 'The Matrix'

Read more:

I am so happy for Keanu!!

2014-10-25 13:02:57

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IMDb Q&A transcript:

:-) :-)

2014-10-25 16:17:51

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@Mme Renard - to my surprise, I discovered that in the last year two of the multiplexes in the nearest city from me got IMAX, too (nearest being three hours by train, two hours drive to - and another two back. In my country, road conditions being what it is, we don't estimate distances in km or miles, but in the amount of time it takes one to get from A to B and back).
But so far, John Wick is not shown in IMAX here. Will have to check again next week...
Anakin McFly
2014-10-25 16:36:10


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Q: How long do you think John Wick would last against [Neo]?

Keanu: Well, first of all, I don't think they'd fight. Yeah... yeah, they'd go out for noodles or something. You know, they'd get some ramen, and then if someone came and started some trouble between them, I... I... that would be bad.

No, Neo would probably be like, "John, man, what are you doing? It's okay, man. I can handle this. We don't have to hurt anybody." And Wick would just be, "...step aside."

Q: So Neo would be more, uh, calm.

K: Yeah, Neo, Neo... yeah... yeah, he's like more of a philosopher.
(via LucaM)

I like how Keanu just wrote fic right there. :'D

2014-10-25 16:41:37

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In 1960, French critic Michel Mourlet famously proclaimed that "Charlton Heston is an axiom," meaning that Heston's image and impact transcended the definition of movie performer. In that sense, Keanu Reeves is a koan: a paradox that confounds all reason. Within the narrow range of emotions he displays — mad Keanu, bad Keanu and of course Sad Keanu — Reeves does not exactly act; he just is. And in John Wick, where he plays a retro Neo in a crime drama with lots of martial arts and gun fu, that "is" is plenty.

(the rest of the review continues in the same tone. )

... that is exactly the kind of reviews that make Sad Keanu sad and me want to punch something. Anything. Preferably smug stupid journos.

To answer Mme Renard's question from a few pages ago: looks like it will never end.
He gets stellar reviews for JW, Deadline Hwood calls them 'decent' and goes on croaking about how it will never make box office. Other reviewers slam the movie's script and premise, if they can't slam his acting. It's always something. Always an attempt to knock him down. Somehow. No matter how. As long as it's there.

... it's not easy bein green, indeed. :|

2014-10-25 19:51:38

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Luca, it is because, thank heavens, he is KEANU. Paradoxical, FAR more intelligent than critics, reviewers, most of the industry that I've seen, with a very dry sense of humor that can easily go unnoticed by the stupid, a superb actor who can play dimwitted and berserker convincingly and without gnawing scenery. The fact that he is not just beautiful to see, but also exceedingly creative and sharp as a truckload of tacks, just really pisses some people off.

I'm not married, but I've often thought and said that if I met a gentleman who was not all that physically attractive to me who had many of Keanu's fine personality qualities, I'd marry him in a heartbeat. Modesty, humility, caring about others, gentleness, hardworking, kind, thoughtful, playful - these are not typical characteristics for a movie star (and why he doesn't want to be a "movie star" in my opinion).

The left-handed Virgo thing might not work so well for me in a long-term relationship, since I'm a bull-headed Taurus and at least as stubborn, but I really don't think I need to worry about that.
I do think he'd be an AWESOME friend.

Thank heavens that he is exactly how he is - I think he is aware that many of us revel in that Keanu-ness!

and Anakin! OMG! Keanu writes Keanuspawn! now you have to write Keanu writing Keanuspawn - there's a plot bunny for you!

2014-10-25 20:45:17

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"Modesty, humility, caring about others, gentleness, hardworking, kind, thoughtful, playful - these are not typical characteristics for a movie star (and why he doesn't want to be a "movie star" in my opinion)."

Agree, MmeRenard! Keanu is such an inspiration! <3 :)
If he were a movie, he'd be 110% on my personal RT! ;)
Meanwhile, I envy all of you who had a chance to see JW in theaters! :D

2014-10-25 21:06:41

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warning: spoilers in this one.

2014-10-25 21:50:31

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Neo-Wick bromance: Keanu approved! \o/

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