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Bits and snippets off the web
2011-05-30 01:39

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he has! ;)
2011-06-30 03:36
[ Post deleted by poster ]
2011-07-25 02:05

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the WiNM people really deserve a big thank you for all their hard work, that archieve is amazing and I for one feel grateful for their dedication...

... ignore the context, it's just ardith and her alter ego/s stirring the shite as usual :(

2011-09-06 04:49

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sorry if this has been posted here before.

2011-09-20 22:12

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This is from the comments of one of these 7 greatest true stories threads :

"And while casting was still going on for a film that is known as one of the greatest action movies of all time (Michael Mann's "Heat"), he turned down the role that was ultimately played by Al Pacino in order to star as Hamlet in a stage production that he had agreed to do in Canada."

he played hamlet at the theatre where i work! it was in the mid 90's and way before i started working there, but everyone that met him and worked with him on that production has nothing but great things to say about him. on the last day of the show he personally delivered thank you notes to every single staff, cast, and crew member, and he used to always bring coffee or random snacks like donuts or cupcakes for everyone. andrew lloyd webber never, ever brought me coffee when he was working here. i think someone could learn a lesson from flawless keanu.

2011-09-30 21:51

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i found this today

p.s. i am not sure if its the right place to post it though.. (sorry new here! :p )

2011-10-01 09:09

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thanks for posting that article Maria89. I have read it before but I think there might be a pic or two I have not seen before. I will repost it on MOPI thread too.
2011-10-01 15:05

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thanks arya! :) (please call me maria...i mean without the 89)

btw, has anyone seen IMDb lately? they added an new movie that i never heard of..

Anakin McFly
2011-10-01 15:35


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:\\ Never heard of that either.
2011-10-01 16:44

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Nah. I doubt that he has anything to do with this.

2011-10-08 03:08

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Just learnt about this video through Topix. It's a Leno interview to actress Octavia Spencer and it's got some Keanu content towards the end.

A true gentleman!

Edit: around minute 3 or so

2011-10-11 07:32

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To coincide with her work, directors Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese and Hollywood star Keanu Reeves have contributed to a book on analogue and film in the digital age.

Reeves said that it feels like “magic” working on a “photochemical film set”.

Scorsese wrote that “no matter where the cinema goes, we cannot afford to lose sight of its beginnings” while Spielberg said that “today, its years are numbered, but I will remain loyal to this analogue art form until the last lab closes”.

2011-10-11 07:58

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... and just because it's 2:34 a.m. my time and I'm functioning at 35% capacity and still hating to be right
The goal of turning the movie into a violent, romantic-noir came off as snobbish and borderline elitist. The movie screams of pride and vanity and it tries to achieve far more than the film is actually capable of.

It is a shame too, because the acting is easily considered top-notch. I would never peg Gosling as the kind of character who can play a street smart, quiet, intense getaway driver, but he pulls it off. Granted, Keanu Reeves could have also played this role 10-15 years ago, easily; you honestly only need the acting ability of a shoe to play the character, but Gosling really had to tone-down his usual style to fit in this character's shoes.

double-standards, much?
the saddest part is that I've somehow felt it coming. Ever since reading the news here and there and then the synopsis of this movie and the reviews and knowing that Refn intended at some point to make a movie with Keanu ( I still want to see his Hyde. okay, pun intended. I DID mention I'm functioning at 35% brain capacity, right? ;) :D ) And I've only seen one Gosling movie, the 'famous' Notebook. And still. Most of the times, these people (reviewers, journalists, editors, you name it) make me sad.

and don't get me started about The nameless hero (a point I find moot nowadays in current film, to not name your character is to disassociate most audiences, especially when you release the film to mainstream audiences) Could rant for hours; would start with The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed But it's neither the place nor the hour to do so.

(note to self: watch Drive. watch all Gosling's movies -there aren't too many, after all. and go to sleep, fer ****'s sake !)

2011-10-11 08:23

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found the extended article

Keanu Reeves Actor

The biggest difference I have found when working photochemically versus digitally on motion pictures is the length of time the takes can last. Broadly, a 1,000ft roll of 35mm film lasts around nine-and-a-half minutes before running out, while a digital tape or recording card or hard drive can last from 40 minutes to over an hour and a half. This translates to a very different rhythm on the floor; the pressure to "cut" to save film is alleviated.

Archiving digital images is a technological dilemma. The idea of that discovered shoebox of pictures, or wedding album, will not exist digitally in your camera or on your computer or in a "cloud": you should print them. I often feel a photochemical image contains the mass of the subject and dimension; a digital image often feels as if it is mass-less. This could be nostalgia or simply how I learned to see. Others will not have this learning: they will probably never experience a photochemical image. Is this loss a tragedy, a revolution, an evolution? What have we lost, and what have we gained?

I will miss walking on to a photochemical film set. It has a magic to me. When the director says: "Action", and the film is rolling, it feels like something is at stake. It feels important and intense. In a way, death is present in the rolling of that film – we live, right now – and the director says: "Cut". And that moment in time is captured on film, really.

whole article is here

(now I'm *really* going to sleep.)

Later edit - found this in the comments to that article

It's interesting to note that the two Hollywood director's here have opted to shoot digitally for their most recent films. Scorsese's even shooting in 3D.
What's also interesting is that Dick Pope merely seems to have written a long list.
Keanu Reeves seems to be, based on the evidence of this article alone, the most eloquent among them. Which is a surprise.

... ORLY? ;)

PS. read the rest of the comments, folks. there's someone explaining the differences in which the human brain perceives images shot on film vs. digital images

The brain reacts differently digital projection and film projection.

A film, whole images 24 times a second, with a moment of black in between each one caused by the shutter, causes the brain to produce theta waves, the waves which are also seen in meditation. Helps 'suspend disbelief' and hightens your emotional senses.

Digital images, a picture drawn from the top of the screen to the bottom, with the next image starting to be drawn as soon as the last one if finished, produces beta waves, usually seen when the subject is involved in "active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration".

So you just ain't going to get the same experience in a cinema with digital projection and one using a traditional projector and celluloid. With film you are more likely to be relaxed and emotional, with digital you are more likely to feel active and anxious. It will, IMHO, completely change our reactions to the moving image, and might well have an effect on the stories as well.

IMHO, that explains a lot

2011-10-11 16:26

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I've watched "Drive". i fell asleep at the first half.the same in "Notebook". Gosling will never touch Keanu's acting.

Gosling really had to tone-down his usual style to fit in this character's shoes

WHAAAT? he is boring and his characters are impersonal(i hope i'm saying it right). they shouldn't even consider comparing him with Keanu. it's just wrong.

Anakin McFly
2011-10-11 22:43


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quoted in an ONTD comment on the 6th page of comments:

"Hi, I have had a hard time getting on here. My niece loves Keanu and wanted me to get on here and tell people how I met him and how nice he was. I met him a few years ago, I was a flight attendant on his flight leaving Chicago. He was such a nice guy that he gave up his isle seat so a mother and little girl could sit together and he took a middle seat. He had played a concert with Becky Band and they were on their way home. They were all very nice. Keanu talked to us for a long time. He was all scruffy and looked very handsome that way. He was surprisingly very down to earth and genuine. Only a few passengers bothered him and one asked for a picture. He gave us all autographs and did not seem offended by our asking."

2011-11-11 06:48

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... a Keanu quote makes history. again

I'm reminded of a moment that happened backstage in 1995, the year that David Letterman came on board to give the Academy a funnier, hipper Oscar show. (As you might have heard, he didn't really succeed.)

The day before that show, I was standing in the green room talking to Bruce Vilanch during rehearsals. Keanu Reeves had just arrived to run through his lines, and he came into the room carrying a motorcycle helmet under his arm.

"What's Dave been like?" Reeves asked Vilanch.

"Oh, you should see it," said Vilanch with a laugh.

Something in Vilanch's tone caught Reeves' attention. "He's not doing stuff like he does on his show, is he?" he asked, frowning.

"Well," Vilanch admitted, "there will be a Top Ten list."


"And he's got some of those film clips he does. There's one with taxi drivers."


"And there is a Stupid Pet Trick."

"NO! He can't!" said Reeves, genuinely upset. "Whatever happened to restraint and decorum?"

As Brian Grazer enters the Oscar landscape mop in hand, and Brett Ratner heads home to rehearse for his comeback, I'd suggest that the Academy might want to ask, and try to answer, that same question.

2011-11-11 12:41

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Nice one LucaM. Thanks!
2011-11-11 14:49

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Keanu continues to leave his mark in the entertainment business. He truly is everywhere. :-)
2011-11-19 08:01

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what's this about?

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