WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: JOHN WICK?

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2015-08-12 04:59:34

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moments like this, I wish I lived in NYC...

source: Ayako Ueda's facebook page and

Anakin McFly
2015-08-12 09:31:59


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...wait, when are they filming John Wick 2? I can try to time my potential NYC stint for it. :|

2015-08-12 19:24:11
[ Post deleted by poster ]
2015-08-12 22:08:01

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no official schedule has been announced yet; at least none that I know of.
but they started training, so my guess is this autumn.
2015-08-13 19:00:07

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Autumn seems about right. His hair should be the right length for John Wick then as well.
Scarletter2015-08-14 18:40:57

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We continue to build our presence in the game space with a mobile game based on our action hero franchise the Expendables and a John Wick virtual-reality game to extend the popularity of what we believe is evolving into one of our newest action franchises.

 I mentioned earlier the virtual-reality game for John Wick and I am pleased to announce that principal photography for John Wick 2 begins in October in New York and Rome as Keanu Reeves returns to the Continental Hotel. We’ve added the film to a fiscal ‘17 slate, already loaded with crowd-pleasing event movies.


have no idea what a "fiscal ‘17 slate" is...

Anakin McFly
2015-08-14 23:07:13


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Probably the 2017 financial budget.
2015-09-03 20:08:25

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2015-09-11 04:38:41

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just watch the first 20 seconds of this video.

2015-09-11 06:59:03

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Ahhhhhhhhhh.... Aurelio¨:D :D :D
2015-09-11 17:11:37

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yeah, Aurelio, and the car, and the 'hotel' and the design of the credits (the font) very similar with John Wick the movie...
it's a nice homage.
2015-09-20 22:54:19

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2015-09-30 23:42:16

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premier in Japan
2015-11-03 04:47:36

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Anakin McFly
2015-11-03 10:41:33


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Someone did a review:,30460.html

I want. ;__;

2016-02-09 03:05:11

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So I have to ask - because I don't think I've heard this asked or answered - I had a child's book of fairy tales and stories growing up and had a vague recollection of "Baba Yaga" - and also, of course, from Mussorgsky's "Pictures At An Exhibition"

Viggo calls John "Baba Yaga" but
I thought she was a chronologically gifted witch? Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.

2016-02-09 03:46:52

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No, you're not missing much ; I think Derek Kolstad isn't too familiar with Russian folklore and just googled to find their equivalent of the Boogeyman. And indeed, Baba Yaga plays that role in the Russian folklore - the song Viggo is singing is a nursery rhyme about 'be good and go to sleep or else Baba Yaga's going to take you away (and eat you)' But she's a lot more than that...

Or maybe the writer chose this nickname for the character not just to underline his reputation in the old days, but also to hint at his present actions/motivations.

The characterization of Baba Yaga is where much of the uncertainty surrounding her comes from. She varies between acting as a benefactor and a villain, either helping the hero of the Slavic myth or hindering him or her. Though it appears she never goes after anyone unprovoked—that is to say, without the person at least coming to the door of her hut—she appears to follow little or few morals. Nevertheless, whatever promise she makes to the hero after his completion of her tasks, she keeps.

The mobster cubs did show up uninvited at the door of Wick's hut. They did provoke him - without knowing whom they're dealing with. Hence Viggo's reaction. "John will come for you, and you will do nothing because you can do nothing." Because, just like Baba Yaga, John Wick follows his own morals.

At least that's how I see it...

2016-02-09 05:10:11

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Thank you SO much - I thought you *might* have insight about this! Yes, that's my understanding too, what I remember from a gorgeously illustrated book. It was, I think, a book of Russian folk tales from the library - I know Baba Yaga is not exclusive to Russian folklore, like many European versions of Krampus.

Fearsome, dangerous, honorable in her particular way, an avenger - yes, in all respects similar to John's character - mythic.

I think it's possible that Derek Kolstad IS familiar with the iconography if you will - and used this intentionally. John has a definite feminine aspect - nurturing, caregiving, vulnerable though strong and fierce. Thanks again!

2016-02-09 05:20:51

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Mme- you're welcome :)

Frankly, not very familiar with Russian folklore (although living next door to it) so had to google, too. I've read plenty of their folk stories, though.
We Romanians have a different version of 'Baba Yaga', a tamer one; the hut is still the same. Also, when Christianity arrived on these shores of the Black Sea, her name was changed to 'Saint Friday' and she became even tamer...

2016-02-09 05:22:32

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"Saint Friday" guffaw! her hut probably didn't even retain the chicken legs. Pffft!

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