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STILL that meme...
2010-10-18 05:58

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Oh My Gods, they still love SadKeanu. Much.

2010-10-20 00:37

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This one's so cute and sad that it just has to be added (extra upvotes for the pigeons, which look like they're wearing striped stockings):

2010-10-20 03:28

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Thanks for sharing! *save*
2010-10-20 08:15

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This meme is getting a bit ridiculous...
2010-10-22 02:42

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Splendid! A scan of the "Vulture Explains SadKeanu" article:

2010-10-22 04:28

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I have lost count of all the tweets and blog entries and articles about how to dress like SadKeanu for Halloween. Here's one guy who got it pretty right:

But he's still lacking 1) a bench and 2) a pigeon.

2010-10-22 08:10

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lol :)
2010-10-22 08:34

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A Halloween costume?!? That's insane...
Anakin McFly
2010-10-27 23:04


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My brother agreed to dress up as Sad Keanu. I think.

Meanwhile, mine:

2010-10-28 13:31

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Ooooooookay....*shakes head* I'm lost.
Anakin McFly
2010-10-28 13:43


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I don't know. There was a bench, and all benches need Sad Keanus on them, so I added one. :|


Anakin McFly
2010-10-28 23:43


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there's always someone who doesn't get it. XD

(gah. fixed link)

2010-10-29 20:19

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OMG, Strutting Leo gets tossed, the poor guy! Keanu! What ARE you DOING? Fie for shame!

Anakin McFly
2010-10-29 20:40


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yeah, saw that post. XD
2010-10-30 00:05

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Invisible Fishing Rod. Can't be anything else, can it?

Which brings us directly to the inevitable question: Does he kill his catch, or does he SWAT it...? ;-)

PS: Will this be the next meme? Only time will tell.

2010-10-30 04:30

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Which brings us directly to the inevitable question: Does he kill his catch, or does he SWAT it...? ;-)

Good question.

Anakin McFly
2010-10-30 11:08


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My brother dressed up as Sad Keanu for a Halloween party yesterday. I'm awaiting pictures.
2010-10-30 11:25

Forum Posts: 385
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ahahahaha lol. can't wait... can we see the pics? XD
2010-10-30 15:35

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Something else to look at while we wait for Anakin's brother as SadKeanu.

Ladies and gents, I give you..... DancingKeanu!


I see a new meme evolving.

Edit II:

Yes, definitely.

2010-10-31 01:55

Forum Posts: 1364
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Yes. Here's our samurai:

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