WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: JOHN WICK?

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2014-09-12 02:55

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edited. I was about to make a clever comment about this, but on this particular day, I can't.
2014-09-12 02:56

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... and he just reached 50 ;)

2014-09-12 23:11

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you NEED to get your a$$ here right now and see this...

2014-09-12 23:16

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People keep asking if am back
Oh ya baby, big time!!
Oh, the poster did no justice to this!
2014-09-12 23:19

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The poster is good. the trailer is the best trailer I've ever seen.

"People keep asking if I'm back. Yeah, I'm thinking that I'm back."


2014-09-12 23:30

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total. total. total. totally. awesome.
2014-09-13 00:44

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My God, that was...I just...

As I pause to mourn the regrettable lack of sufficient cold showers in the world, let me just say he is PERFECTION in this role.

"I'm not afraid of John Wick."

"Uh huh."

This exchange, along with everything else in that trailer, absolutely delights me. I'm a Hunger Games fan who's been saving up my limited movie shekels to see Mockingjay this fall. I'm now trading John Wick. Ol' MJ can wait till Blu-Ray, especially since I know Mr. Jack will want to see this one with me. :)

"You liked that, huh?"

Yes. Yes, I did. In ways I can't even begin to quantify.

Maybe Mr. Jack should stay home after all...

2014-09-13 00:53

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@Jack: that uh uh pretty much sealed the deal, din it?
It's been quite a long time since i was so thrilled about a trailer!

I'm loving this!!

Am losing count, I've no idea how many times 've watched it in the last hour

2014-09-13 00:55

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The emotional range of just the trailer! It's a whole little story in itself, such a refreshing change from the usual awful trailers. Simply amazing!
2014-09-13 01:01

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@MmeRenard :Exactly! Not many trailers do that, it was a beautifully edited trailer, picking the right scenes and shots! Telling just enough to get us to the theatre.
Oh am praying to the universe and heaven above that it should release here, am gonna be royally pissed otherwise.
*think positive, think positive
2014-09-13 01:20

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well. Nice soundtrack - and even nicer ink ;)
Not sure about the voiceover, though. I hope it's just for the trailer.

Yes, it's a very catchy, well-packed, masterly edited trailer. And going by the comments, it's gonna bring people to the theaters. After all, that's the purpose of a movie trailer.

I'm gonna wait for the movie, though. That's the real treasure ;)

2014-09-13 02:58

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Love the trailer! Love the 'look' of the film so interested in the cinematography. Trailer did the trick of piquing my interest.
Anakin McFly
2014-09-13 08:30


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I love the trailer way more than the poster. Amazing cinematography. That was much better than I expected. :D

"I'm not afraid of John Wick," said John Constantine, insouciantly smoking a cigarette.

2014-09-13 11:42

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I love the trailer way more than the poster

Mirrors my thoughts exactly!

"I'm not afraid of John Wick," said John Constantine, insouciantly smoking a cigarette

"Uh huh", said Wick.
Deafening sounds of bullets pierced the air, fire and smoke engulfed the now near empty club.
Suddenly, everything fell silent...
"You are empty", smirked Constantine. "So are you!", retorted Wick.
Christine2014-09-13 13:55

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WOW what a great trailer! And like LucaM....I'm gonna wait for the movie!!
Anakin McFly
2014-09-13 14:17


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@neaura :D

Meanwhile on Reddit...

2014-09-13 17:43

Forum Posts: 4842
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gotta love Reddit :D :D :D
sometimes ;)

2014-09-13 17:45

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"I'm not afraid of John Wick," said John Constantine, insouciantly smoking a cigarette

"Uh huh", said Wick.
Deafening sounds of bullets pierced the air, fire and smoke engulfed the now near empty club.
Suddenly, everything fell silent...
"You are empty", smirked Constantine. "So are you!", retorted Wick.

Ludlow: *small, satisfied grin*
not-Tim: *facepalm*
Sad Keanu: *is sad*

2014-09-13 19:11

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I mostly love Reddit. The buzz everywhere I look about just the trailer is amazing - and I'm pretty sure that these directors are not dumb enough to put all the good stuff in the trailer - so yeah, I'm waiting for the movie, too.

Donaka Mark: *I knew you had it in you"

2014-09-13 19:15

Forum Posts: 4842
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Reviews: 13

Donaka Mark: *I knew you had it in you"

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