WINM Forums :: Off-Topic Chat :: Photo thread!

Photo thread!
Anakin McFly
2008-06-17 21:25:22


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What do you lot look like?

Me, 17 years ago:

user posted image

Give recent pics. I'm excused because I'm the webmaster.
2008-06-18 20:37:22

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Awwwww so adorable anakin!!!! But but but i dont want a recent pic of me online...people already hate us for defending Keanu, do we need to give them more ammo?!

Can't we ALL put up baby pics??? Please oh please oh pretty please??????
Anakin McFly
2008-06-18 21:24:39


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Awwwww so adorable anakin!!!!

But but but i dont want a recent pic of me online...people already hate us for defending Keanu, do we need to give them more ammo?!

Can't we ALL put up baby pics??? Please oh please oh pretty please??????
Er, okay... if you want to...

The off-topic forum is members-only, though. Just us here.
2008-06-19 03:56:13

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The off-topic forum is members-only, though. Just us here.
oh yeah, i just realised that... *duh*

well i had my Graduation Ball yday , so once iv got my pics off my camera from that i shall find the most decent looking (ie:least drunk looking) pic & post that...

I notice no1 else is responding... *hint hint*
EllieP2008-06-20 22:07:43

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(Anakin McFly @ Jun 17 2008, 09:25 PM)
What do you lot look like?

Me, 17 years ago:

user posted image

Give recent pics. I'm excused because I'm the webmaster.

My dear Anakin, you've been rumbled...I found a picture of you somewhere else...still cute though smileydemon.gif
Anakin McFly
2008-06-20 22:10:42


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Gah. The Myspace one, or do you have spies on my friends-only blog?

Or that IMDb thread where someone demanded that anyone who thought Keanu was a good actor point to where their eyes were to prove that they had the power of sight...
keanugirl762008-06-21 14:32:26

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Beautiful child!
Anakin McFly
2008-06-24 22:05:54


Forum Posts: 3076
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No one else is posting?
2008-06-25 00:24:32

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user posted image

Me last summer in England. No, it's not an optical illusion, I did touch Stonehenge.
keanugirl762008-06-25 16:49:30

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My mum and I ... 30 years ago! It's one of my fav pics.

user posted image
Anakin McFly
2008-06-25 23:04:56


Forum Posts: 3076
Comments: 405
Reviews: 1
Aww. <3

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