WINM Forums :: The Website :: Index page not working

Index page not working
2009-10-31 17:25

Forum Posts: 1364
Comments: 153
Reviews: 0
Ani, when I click on the HOME link, I get to the index page, but all it has to say to me is "It works!" I don't quite agree with that statement, because I want to visit WINM and not some sad, white page that makes allegations that are obviously not correct.

You fix?

Anakin McFly
2009-10-31 17:26


Forum Posts: 3076
Comments: 405
Reviews: 1

It works for me...

What's the exact link? Screenshot?

2009-10-31 18:15

Forum Posts: 1364
Comments: 153
Reviews: 0 - with .html at the end. This is where the HOME link in the top navigation sends me. I've gotten the "It works!" page since yesterday.

I then tried

If it works normally for everyone else, then I guess there's a local glitch in the Matrix at my end. I'm running. Now. Link, I need a phone!

Edit: Aaaaaargh!! What is going on? Now it works normally again. It didn't just 20 seconds ago. I suspect gremlins at this point. Or cornish pixies.

Anakin McFly
2009-10-31 20:38


Forum Posts: 3076
Comments: 405
Reviews: 1
I think my webhost may have been doing upgrades or something. :\ Appears a common problem:

I suspect gremlins at this point. Or cornish pixies.

It's probably the fish. That's what you get from giving them so much food...

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