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Away until 25 June
2014-09-16 00:27

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We are, or at least, I am talking about anyone who would keep someone from sharing a lovely experience - that person being Axie in this case. Unless that's what you're trying to do, I guess we're not talking about you - or me, or anyone except Axie and her nice experience.

We ARE, in this thread, talking about fan behavior. So it's all fodder, isn't it?

2014-09-16 00:36

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Guess it's "us guys'" turn to be silenced, too. Lol.

2014-09-16 01:17

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LOL indeed.

"I'm done." 4 posts and a day ago.

It kind of raises an interesting question - why are any of us here? 99.99% of people I see here are here to talk about Keanu - mostly about his work, which is very cool. As a matter of fact, "to defend Keanu and decipher Reeves." It can be successfully argued that Reeves only wishes to be deciphered to a certain degree, but that's cool and very respectable. He shares as he chooses. Good for him, and a good example. If someone is not interested in defending Keanu and/or deciphering Reeves, I have to wonder just why they are here. Nobody except Anakin can "tell" anyone what they may and may not do here, and Anakin seems very disinclined to do that. (yay!) There's always the element in fandom that just wants to stir up shit. Probably best and wisest to ignore it, though if I had superpowers I'd be just as happy to kick that behavior to the curb.

And not wanting someone to share - oh sorry, I mean advising them (despite that person being a fully competent adult) for their own good not to share - their good experiences is precisely and intentionally part of that behavior. Busted.

2014-09-16 02:48

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Two years later, in 1997, I went to New Haven CT to see them at Toads Place. We checked into our hotel and were on the elevator going to our room, talking about Dogstar when the other passenger said "I'm the bus driver." He was really nice and I have his name somewhere. I believe that Keanu was filming Devils Advocate in NYC. the show was great, we had a really good time and it was a bit noisy on the top floor of the hotel that night - that turns out to have been where they were staying. I picked it because i like cool old hotels and they had ROOM SERVICE (pretty good, too). the next morning, we were in the lobby and Keanu got off the elevator. 95x more gorgeous in person, seriously. He looked a bit sleepy but chatted pleasantly with us. I, at that time about as shy a person as existed, found myself asking "Keanu, can I get a hug?" (yes, I know. but that's what I did). He positively beamed at me - the most beautiful smile in the whole world - and said "Sure!" I've always been amazed and touched by his willingness - if he feels OK and time permits - to just hang out and chat. He did the same thing at a cool and rather strange club in the Laurentians. Just a really nice man.

I do believe that sometimes he's just tired, and occasionally he's just not in the mood, and that's his right - but the number of times I saw him being just lovely to everyone was amazing, and I've heard more stories like this than I can count.

So i'm really happy for you, Axie, and for your daughter "who's the guy in the suit?" too adorable. Because he seriously acts like a Dude. in a suit.

Oh look, that's KEANU REEVES, the "movie star" - and that's one of the reasons he's so loveable.

2014-09-16 05:49

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MmeRenard, thank you! :)
2014-09-16 05:54

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Hopefully I'll get a chance to meet him someday :D
Although it's very unlikely since I live in Europe and don't even travel that much :/
But yeah, I can dream :)
2014-09-16 08:15

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Thank you, becauseichooseto22! I hope you get the chance too. I think he is in Europe from time to time - maybe you'll get a chance!
Anakin McFly
2014-09-16 09:33


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@Bliss - I wasn't actually thinking about your post when I talked about shaming and silencing, but rather the people who insulted axie for sharing her experience (and who were by extension trying to get her to shut up). But I see how it could have come across as being about your post, and I'm sorry.

That said, I do agree that:

1) When you share personal experiences online, you take on the risk of people reacting badly, and it was unfair that your suggestion of being more discerning with sharing private information online was taken as comparable to silencing women over domestic abuse and rape. But if someone has experienced being told to keep quiet over the latter, being told to keep quiet over anything can trigger those same reactions, and is understandable.

but also

2) We're all adults here who are aware of that risk, and I'm sure axie knew what might happen when she posted her experiences. That didn't mean that those insults were deserved, and she was still right to be angry at that. But neither does that mean she should just stop sharing her happy experiences (or any experiences) altogether. There will always be people - even those close to you - who react negatively to anything you write or share online or offline, and it shouldn't be a reason to keep quiet.

Anakin McFly
2014-09-16 09:47


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I don't want this place to be like other sites. I'm against censorship for the reason that I think people should have the chance to disagree and fight and voice their opinions, because I don't think merely shoving them under the carpet and ignoring people we don't like does anyone any good. I don't want people to just agree to disagree; we've been brought together here under a common interest, but we're also more than just a fansite. We're a community. I know that for a lot of us, fandom is a space where we can take a break from our problems and escape a while. It shouldn't be a place where we encounter even more problems and unhappiness.

One thing about the internet and any written communication is that it's very easily misinterpreted, and enough studies have shown that one's mood heavily influences how one reads the exact same sentence: for instance seeing a kind or neutral comment as an attack if you've had a bad day. So: try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, always. If you're right, no harm done, and if you're wrong, you'd still have halted the potential escalation of conflict.

And be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. And sometimes we take that out on people who don't deserve it.

2014-09-16 18:19

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It can be successfully argued that Reeves only wishes to be deciphered to a certain degree, but that's cool and very respectable.

True, that.
Then again, I've always taken that as a challenge ;)
And I'm trying to decipher as much as possible of what he chooses to share. AND of what slips (intentionally or not) over/under/through those walls of his ;)

2014-09-16 19:14

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I think that what he does share, especially in the last 10 years, is amazing and feels more authentic than a lot of celebrities. "Ode to Happiness" and the book signing come to mind. He is private, but he also isn't "guarded" in the sense of big security and entourage. When he is present - I think Axie will agree - he is REALLY PRESENT, in a way that I've only ever seen in great Buddhist teachers. 100%. I don't think he's a Buddhist teacher (although a Boddhisattva?). I think he is a very complex man. I really like that.

And yeah, it is a challenge, a puzzle to decipher. I love puzzles! And challenges, we may recall, are really "opportunities."

2014-09-16 20:30

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Ani, you have wisdom beyond your years - and I'm starting to think those years number well beyond 24.
2014-09-16 22:00

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I certainly agree with 'this is a community' part. As with every community, even if individuals are brought together by the same cause, there are bound to be conflicts due to attitudes, opinions, growing-up environments, cultural influences and situations. But as i have seen, this community has thrived not by looking for similarities but by enjoying differences. Every forum discussion has and hopefully will continue to enrich the lives of every single member here.

@MmeRenard:Aww, that's a lovely experience! Everybody has bad days, negative reactions sometime stem from the attitude and approach of the other person too! Richness of character can be gauged by how a person treats people who he or she has no reason to be nice to and that being the measure, Keanu is probably one of the wealthiest. Am glad and grateful to be one of the select few to have realised this.

2014-09-16 22:08

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Thank you, Neaura! Added to my and Axie's experience and that of so many fans, there are very consistent stories from movie crews about how well he treats everyone. That is indeed one of the hallmarks of fine character, and it's far too uncommon.
Anakin McFly
2014-09-16 23:20


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@Jack - Well, I turn 25 in a couple months. :D Thanks. :) As a teenager I spent a few intense years being stupid on the internet and suffering the consequences, and it taught me a lot.

@MmeRenard - yes. Most celebs manage to be nice at least some of the time, just like most people in general. But with Keanu, I've heard only a small handful of negative stories, which serve only to prove the truth of the good ones: people aren't just making this stuff up and there isn't some huge PR conspiracy, as might be suspected if we only heard 100% good things.

2014-09-16 23:33

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Sorry guys I posted and then went out of town. I made extreme examples because sometimes it takes an extreme example to get people to go "OH!" [plus I'm an activist and issues of domestic violence and rape, abortion etc are issues I deal with locally, helping others as well as making sure laws aren't changed that *hurt* women - or men - more]

But neither does that mean she should just stop sharing her happy experiences (or any experiences) altogether.

Thanks Ani and that's why it took close to two months to post about it here.

@Bliss I am very private in many, many ways but very vocal in other ways. I have shared elsewhere my personal experiences of d/v, rape [20 years ago by the ex husband] and abortion. I share it to help others know they aren't alone. Again, only used those examples because they are extreme and sometimes it takes an extreme example to get a POV across.

2014-09-16 23:37

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@Mme. Glad you understood and even shared your experience!

I posted about DS days in Aus and W. Hollywood. The 90s tho.
Will add more once I heal from the whirlwind holiday I just took. 2 days beach side and historic district, forts, lighthouses and hundreds of photos.
With Fibro and a damaged spine?! I'm in agony but it's a sweet agony.

2014-09-17 01:55

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@axie: Am sorry that you had to go through such extremely bitter experiences in life but II'm also glad you not only found the strength to leap over those hurdles but you've also worked, and continue to work, to pull others out of their miseries. I'm very very glad. I wish and pray that you find happiness in everything you see and do and if that is a utopian dream, i pray that you at least sustain this incredible strength you have to pulverize those obstacles. All the very best for a happy and contented life!
2014-09-17 09:02

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@Ani ~ I appreciate you taking the time to understand my perspective.

@Ax~ I am a private person also, so soak that thought in a little bit. I don't understand the way you think and I don't trust you at all. Many times I felt bad for you, now... I just see drama. I was trying to be nice after you freaking sent links of my social media accounts to people. The games you played, and the LIES!! I still felt bad, like an Idiot, blew it off. You are a trouble maker and somehow twist things to where you are the victim. Leave me out of whatever you are doing. I honestly don't even care.

2014-09-17 23:04

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Thank you for such lovely words. I do try to find happiness in all things great and small. Had a blast taking shots the last few days, going over them today. I'll link my flickr a/c here once uploaded. Working on uploading now.

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