WINM Forums :: Introductions :: lurking days are over!

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lurking days are over!
2011-07-12 02:03

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After having spent too much time at imdb and always liked AnakinMcFlys comments there (One of the more intelligent posters over there), and after having done the same thing on ugossip, I started reading what's going on here, detected the awesome articles archive, the tweets of interest ... but remained a lurker.

And then I reorganized my DVDs and saw how many Keanu movies I owned. Oops, I told myself, I can as well join here!

Please bear with me, English is not my first language. I'll do my best!

A few things about me ...
- Even though I'm from Switzerland, the only way I'm washing my money is in the washing machine
- Detected Keanu via "Matrix" which I still remember as that movie where you must not blink (or you miss something important)
- Am 42 years old. Ouch, so old :-(
- Work in IT


2011-07-12 03:28

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Pleasure to meet you, MSuperstar :) What are some of your favorite K movies?
2011-07-12 03:54

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Nice to meet you, MSuperstar!!!! welcome on board! :)
2011-07-12 04:19

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- Detected Keanu via "Matrix" which I still remember as that movie where you must not blink (or you miss something important)

you too? it's starting to develop into a pattern ;)
and that's one of the best one-line synopsis of that movie I ever read :D

btw, welcome on board ;) :D

2011-07-12 04:26

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Nice to see a new poster! Ugossip is so often so wretched. It's best to just lurk there. BTW when Adrianna asks you what your favorite Keanu movies are...she really means "How much do you love Constantine?" ;)
2011-07-12 05:43

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XD I do love my Connie ;)
2011-07-12 06:08

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yeah, who doesn't ? ;)
2011-07-12 09:28

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Connie is fantastic but so are all the others in their own special unique way. Asking a K-fan to name their favorite movie/character is impossible. At least for me it is. All depends on the day and my particular mood at the time.

Anyway, Welcome MSuperstar. Always a pleasure to have more company join us here.

Anakin McFly
2011-07-12 12:40


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Hey, thanks! And welcome! :D

yeah, who doesn't ? ;)

Dr. Julian Mercer. :|

2011-07-12 14:38

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ah ,that was a nice introduction :)

After having spent too much time at imdb and always liked AnakinMcFlys comments there (One of the more intelligent posters over there)

That's exactly How I ended up here as well :)

Detected Keanu via "Matrix" which I still remember as that movie where you must not blink (or you miss something important)

and that's one of the best one-line synopsis of that movie I ever read :D

Exactly :D one of the bests

I second what other said : welcome to the board :) ..

2011-07-12 14:40

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BTW, I like your avatar photo .. it's one of THOSE Keanu's photos that I love :)
2011-07-12 23:00

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Dr. Julian Mercer. :|

eh, can't please everyone...

2011-07-12 23:03

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Welcome aboard, MSuperstar! This site is just so much more fun than IMDB and the dreadful-beyond-words UGossip.

Matrix was and is, to me at least, the movie where you miss something even if you don't blink. That's why it takes multiple-and-then-some viewings to "get" it.

BTW, I'm also one of the diehard fans of Constantine (Seems there's a lot of us in here). Still, Connie is one of Keanu's characters who I'd most like to give a well aimed kick in the rear. Another is "Just Johnny" in Johnny Mnemonic.

In Donnie Barksdale's case, I would have done much more than just kick him. Actual hard objects would have been involved. I think Donnie is one of Keanu's most brilliant characters ever, because Keanu made me truly hate that guy.

2011-07-12 23:27

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Still, Connie is one of Keanu's characters who I'd most like to give a well aimed kick in the rear.

... but ink, that doesn't exclude love... ;)
will shut up now.

2011-07-13 01:51

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Hello everybody,

Thanks you for your nice welcomes!!!

To answer the question which Keanu Movie is my favourite, I have to say ...

... I can't tell.

It depends on the mood I'm in, what I want from a movie in that mood.

I'll list several favourites and the fitting mood:

- Matrix - for the intellectual challenge combined with kick-ass action and stunning visuals - for the first few seeings, I needed to be alert and able to concentrate, now I can simply enjoy it for the action (and still detect new things about it)
- The gift - for Keanus interpretation of Donnie B.
- Constantine - because I find it so cool and rewatchable
- Something's gotta give for romantic moods (I always stop watching before the end. That woman has no taste, IMHO.) Plus - I want that beach house.
- The replacements - because it's just so much fun to watch.
- A walk in the clouds. Not his best performance, but when I need lots of sugar, that's the movie for me.
- My own private Idaho - I find this movie very touching and the way Keanus character becomes so dislikable at the end impressed me ... good performance.

Does this anwer your questions? ;-)


2011-07-13 02:30

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I hear ya. They are all my favs. But there are some that I view more than others. Every moment he is on screen is priceless as far as I am concerned. We are very fortunate that he continues to make movies and tell us stories with real truth amid the diversity of constructs. Love him!
2011-07-13 14:43

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Welcome aboard MSuperstar :).
2011-07-18 09:38

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*waves from ceiling where she tends to lurk*

Greetings Program: MSuperstar

My designation is User: Spark. As the resident Tron-nut, I bid you welcome to the site! You will receive an information packet. Please confirm that it has arrived.

Preparing instructions....

Your objective: To seek out and destroy FISH - any and all programs and/or users with malicious intentions toward User: Keanu.


Instructions sent.....

Awaiting confirmation....

Anakin McFly
2011-07-18 10:55


Forum Posts: 3076
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2011-07-18 12:05

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