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KeKe lover2011-10-27 01:26

Forum Posts: 28
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I have been a long time fan of Keanu, but until recently I knew very little of him. The more I learn, the more I love and admire him!! I have been lurking for about a month and am happy to be a part of your group. :)
2011-10-27 02:25

Forum Posts: 1364
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Hi KeKe lover! Welcome! Where in this big world do you live? We're a very international bunch of fans. I'm in Norway, and it's raining - as always (when it's not snowing, that is). It's nice to have a bright & sunny fansite to go to on days like this.
2011-10-27 04:59

Forum Posts: 2836
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Reviews: 11
It is wise to lurk a bit before committing, but feel free. Welcome.
KeKe lover2011-10-27 07:09

Forum Posts: 28
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Thank you, inkhuldra. I am in Greenville, South Carolina. Today was beautiful - sunny and in the low 70's Fahrenheit. I have had all the proper upbringings needed to be a proper southern belle, but my wild side has brought about a few failings, lol.

ARYA, thank you; just wanted to make sure that this board is a true fan site, not one where there is certain strife with a few members in which I would love to choke because they are always bashing KR.

2011-10-27 10:34

Forum Posts: 1364
Comments: 153
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Oh, you've been to ugossip, then? LOL!
KeKe lover2011-10-27 10:59

Forum Posts: 28
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Actually I have been to Topix and IMDb; seems to be the same person or people on both sites. It's sad to see such miserable people try to drag everyone down with them...

I have a question and a comment. Question: Does anyone know where the newest bike came from and what make and model it is? Comment I went to the sex-o-meter (I think it was called) and KR and I scored a scorching 98! How fun would that be?!?! And I would absolutely respect him in the morning...

2011-10-27 12:03

Forum Posts: 2836
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Reviews: 11

And I would absolutely respect him in the morning...


I don't think its been posted anywhere yet where the new bike came from. The one thing I find notable is that there are no brand name markings on that bike. My guess is that he wanted the bike but did not want to be a moving advertisement for it.
Forum at CK has started a discussion. Have you peeked or registered there?

2011-10-27 16:52

Forum Posts: 4842
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Reviews: 13
Hello, and welcome !

oh, that person has been around in the Keanu fandom for so long I'm beginning to think s/he's part of the furniture ;)
after a while, it's almost entertaining. kinda.

2011-10-27 17:45

Forum Posts: 1364
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The new bike, whether it's his or a loaner, seems to be custom made. And a gorgeous beast it is. I guess, what with him having tested that fierce Ducati Diavel on a race track and all, he got himself all hot and bothered and needed to have something slick and badass-looking. And all I can say is, "Good choice!". I just hope it's a permanent addition to his two-wheeled stable.
2011-10-27 17:47

Forum Posts: 1364
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The new bike, whether it's his or a loaner, seems to be custom made. And a gorgeous beast it is. I guess, what with him having tested that fierce Ducati Diavel on a race track and all, he got himself all hot and bothered and needed to have something slick and badass-looking. And all I can say is, "Good choice!". I just hope it's a permanent addition to his two-wheeled stable.
KeKe lover2011-10-27 23:32

Forum Posts: 28
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Reviews: 0
Hello, and welcome !

oh, that person has been around in the Keanu fandom for so long I'm beginning to think s/he's part of the furniture ;)
after a while, it's almost entertaining. kinda.


Thanks for the welcome, LucaM. You are right, almost being the operative word!
I am so intrigued with that bike...I want one too! His QC layout make my heart skip a beat-so handsome, with a bad boy vibe (that is my weakness) and speed to boot; be still my heart!

ARYA, I have not gone to CK, but I will check it out. Thanks for sharing!

2011-10-29 05:57

Forum Posts: 424
Comments: 24
Reviews: 1
Hello and welcome KeKe ;)
2011-10-29 07:54

Forum Posts: 2836
Comments: 74
Reviews: 11

KeKe lover2011-10-29 10:30

Forum Posts: 28
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Reviews: 0
Thank you AdriannaM! Love reading about all the Keanu encounters and see all of the pics. Ah, to be that close to him...what a thrill...
2011-10-30 05:18

Forum Posts: 541
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*waves from ceiling where she tends to lurk*

Greetings Program: KeKe lover, from Server Location: Greenville, South Carolina

My designation is User: Spark. As the resident Tron-nut, I bid you welcome to the site! You will receive an information packet. Please confirm that it has arrived.

Preparing instructions....

Your objective: To seek out and destroy FISH - any and all programs and/or users with malicious intentions toward User: Keanu.


Instructions sent.....

Awaiting confirmation....

2011-10-30 05:26

Forum Posts: 1364
Comments: 153
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I really need to see Tron soon. :-)
2011-10-30 17:10

Forum Posts: 541
Comments: 33
Reviews: 0

I really need to see Tron soon. :-)

*turns frigid look on inkhuldra* You still haven't seen it? *growls in frustration* Go watch it now or I will set Rinzler loose on you!

2011-10-31 02:10

Forum Posts: 424
Comments: 24
Reviews: 1
LOL . . . I was just watching Tron Legacy again the other night, before we lost power from this freakish October snow storm where I live :(

Yes KeKe, it was indeed a thrill and I would recommend it to anyone. I was quite speechless :P

2011-10-31 12:14

Forum Posts: 184
Comments: 11
Reviews: 0
I suppose I should say "hello" properly, so I can get my official Tron welcome. I've been popping in a posting a little here and there when time allows.

I have always enjoyed Keanu's films, but didn't really become a big fan until this year when I re-watched the Matrix trilogy in Blu Ray HD. I decided he is just really fascinating because of his enigmatic qualities and I like how unconventional and unpredictable he can be. I also like how much respect his peers have for him in the business. And he's also pretty hot. I've been working my way through a backlog of his films. I love MOPI, Point Break, Speed, and the Lake House. I wasn't thrilled with Henry's Crime. Oh, well, none of us are perfect, yes?

I live in the north central US, not too far from Chicago. I'm a little older than Keanu but don't let that bother you. Fans are fans, young or old. I hang out on a fansite for another actor where I am actually considered young! I enjoy this fansite because it's literate, hunorous, international, doesn't take itself too seriously but still has dignity, is relatively up-to-date, treats Keanu with great respect, and has a professional look (nice job, Ani).

I mostly lurk because I work the equivalent of two full-time jobs and time is scarce. Think of me as a little blue ghost floating around the edges.

Nice to meet you all!

2011-10-31 14:41

Forum Posts: 541
Comments: 33
Reviews: 0

LOL . . . I was just watching Tron Legacy again the other night, before we lost power from this freakish October snow storm where I live :(

*drags Adri up to ceiling for a squish-huggle, then sets her gently down* We haven't had snow here yet. Snow, no; freezing rain, yes.

I suppose I should say "hello" properly, so I can get my official Tron welcome.

*giggles, turns gaze on newcomer, waves*

Greetings Program: BlueGem, from Server Location: North-central US(close proximity to Chicago, further location data unavailable at this time)

My designation is User: Spark. As the resident Tron-nut, I bid you welcome to the site! You will receive an information packet. Please confirm that it has arrived.

Preparing instructions....

Your objective: To seek out and destroy FISH - any and all programs and/or users with malicious intentions toward User: Keanu.


Instructions sent.....

Awaiting confirmation....

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