WINM Forums :: Introductions :: Ïðèâåò!!-Hello Everyone!!- Hola!!- Gutantag!!-Bonjour!!:)

Ïðèâåò!!-Hello Everyone!!- Hola!!- Gutantag!!-Bonjour!!:)
2012-05-16 23:39

Forum Posts: 2
Comments: 0
Reviews: 0
HI everyone!! Thank you for this site! It's very informative, good navigation!!
2012-05-17 00:34

Forum Posts: 2836
Comments: 74
Reviews: 11
Welcome to this cyberspace SvetikP!
2012-05-17 07:09

Forum Posts: 541
Comments: 33
Reviews: 0
*waves from ceiling where she tends to lurk*

Greetings Program: SvetikP, from Server Location: {Data Unavailable}

My designation is User: Spark. As the resident Tron-nut, I bid you welcome to the site! You will receive an information packet. Please confirm that it has arrived.

Preparing instructions....

Your objective: To seek out and destroy FISH - any and all programs and/or users with malicious intentions toward User: Keanu.


Instructions sent.....

Awaiting confirmation....

Anakin McFly
2012-05-17 10:58


Forum Posts: 3076
Comments: 405
Reviews: 1
Thanks, and welcome!
2012-05-19 01:52

Forum Posts: 491
Comments: 111
Reviews: 0
Hi and welcome!
2012-05-19 04:58

Forum Posts: 261
Comments: 17
Reviews: 0
Hello and Welcome!
2012-05-19 10:47

Forum Posts: 184
Comments: 11
Reviews: 0
Welcome to our fun little corner of the Keanuverse!

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