WINM Forums :: Introductions :: Aloha!

historical babe
2012-05-21 04:30

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How's it going, K-SWAT dudes! It's really nice to find other people that realize that the preceding sentence is not particularly representative of Keanu. Also that there are a million other far worse misconceptions that are so persistent that they require relentless refuting. Most people I know are really surprised when I defend Keanu and then they look at me like I must have had a stroke or something to temporarily incapacitate my cerebral cortex. To them, I will say, visit this site and be prepared to whoa yourself, because there are plenty of intelligent people with good taste who love Keanu and can tell you, citing hard evidence, why they do!

Glad to be here!

2012-05-21 05:02

Forum Posts: 4842
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welcome - glad you found us ;) :)

stroke? naw, we took the red pill, that's what happened ;)

2012-05-21 05:11

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welcome :)
2012-05-21 08:41

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Hi and welcome! :)
historical babe
2012-05-21 10:06

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Thanks, people! That's true, LucaM, taking drugs offered by Larry Fishburne can free one's mind, but it leaves the coppertops puzzled. I have a bit of a Matrix problem and am not seeking rehab, so let me apologize in advance if any overemphasis on that particular film set is irritating to any of you.

The thought occurs that in a thread titled Introductions, I might actually consider introducing myself. I'm from Seattle, USA, currently live there, but consider New York my second home. I do software research but I was a veterinary assistant for many years and remain passionate about caring for companion animals. I believe that love conquers all and I think I'll leave it at that since this is getting kind of long!

Party on!

2012-05-21 10:35

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HB, welcome! Your cerebral cortex appears to be working fine.

The Matrix had us all, but we here at WINM are among the free humans! Perhaps this is our own little bit of Zion...anyway, we'll be counting on you to tip us off once the machines become sentient. I don't want no squiddies chasin' me!

FYI, I'm the badass English professor around here. Nice to meet you!

historical babe
2012-05-21 10:50

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Thanks, BlueGem, I'm getting to the point where having a badass English professor reassure me that my cognitive function is A-OK is a huge relief. Don't worry about those squiddies just yet, but I'm observing the situation with hyper-vigilance!
Anakin McFly
2012-05-21 13:07


Forum Posts: 3076
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Hi, and welcome!

I have a bit of a Matrix problem

pfft, there's no such thing as a Matrix problem.

2012-05-21 15:55

Forum Posts: 4842
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historical babe - wow. that's quite an impressive cv.

as far as I'm concerned, any overemphasis on that particular film set is more than welcome. ;)

2012-05-21 23:47

Forum Posts: 2836
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WOW you sound fun HB! Welcome to this cyberspace.
2012-05-22 05:09

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*waves from ceiling where she tends to lurk*

Greetings Program: historical babe, from Server Location: Seattle, USA

My designation is User: Spark. As the resident Tron-nut, I bid you welcome to the site! You will receive an information packet. Please confirm that it has arrived.

Preparing instructions....

Your objective: To seek out and destroy FISH - any and all programs and/or users with malicious intentions toward User: Keanu.


Instructions sent.....

Awaiting confirmation....

historical babe
2012-05-22 11:43

Forum Posts: 16
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Grazie mille! I really appreciate your taking the time to make me feel welcome too, Ani, LucaM, and Arya - I've been enjoying looking at the evolution of your site. And thank you, Spark, packet received, instructions crystal.
So! Fabulous! Not only am I among fellow Keanu baseheads but also Matrix junkies. It's like speedball without the life-wrecking side-effects. I might also note, Ani, that the fancy dress costume I've used most often is my Princess Leia one (but no, it's not the one from Jabba's palace).
I'll be thinking about what I can do to advance this noble cause and in the meantime I'll just be over here, tying flies.

Ciao for now!

2012-05-23 06:25

Forum Posts: 541
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And thank you, Spark, packet received, instructions crystal.

Confirmation of packet arrival acknowledged and logged.
Please report all results through proper channels.

End of line.

So! Fabulous! Not only am I among fellow Keanu baseheads but also Matrix junkies.

While the Matrix is one of my favorite movies, I am clearly designated as a Tron-nut, not a Matrix junkie.

2012-05-23 15:38

Forum Posts: 261
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I read what you've written and I deduce firstly you're very brillant and I like that , and secondly one of the 5 languages you learnt from your young travels was italian, and I like very much that. ;)

ciao! ciao!

historical babe
2012-06-02 10:16

Forum Posts: 16
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Ancora grazie! I'm very pleased to meet you, gulbie! Italiano was never the language at which I was most skilled, but I did my best and have many fond memories around using it! I hope to return there sooner rather than later! =) Ciao!

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