WINM Forums :: Introductions :: Ultra love, ultra devotion for the man ;))

Ultra love, ultra devotion for the man ;))
ultrakeanu2012-07-01 16:58

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I've been a fan of this most amazing specimen of mankind, the one and only Keanu Reeves since "Devil's Advocate" but my discovery of online fandom is more recent, I've started looking for Keanu sites around 2005 and my first discovery was CK and I've been mostly a lurker here in WINM but always appreciated Anakin for putting the effort and energy and making this place so awesome, just the article archive speaks for itself, what a dedication!

Early this year, I had to take a little break from fandom, I had a baby girl :)) But now that I've a little added support from family, I decided to check out what has been going on in the Keanuland and finally I'm here, happy to join forces with you ladies!

Looking forward to all the Keanu related fun!

2012-07-01 17:08

Forum Posts: 4842
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I had a baby girl

congrats! and welcome :)

2012-07-01 18:41

Forum Posts: 49
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Hi ultrakeanu!

Welcome to the club! I'm sure you'll enjoy your little Keanu-breaks from the baby :-)

And there are a few gentlemen here, too, not only ladies...I am curious, what is the percentage of male/female members - maybe getting it to know would be a surprise ;)

Anakin McFly
2012-07-01 19:04


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Hi, and welcome! Congrats on the baby. :)

@Trinity: I have no idea what the ratio is and don't think there's a way to find out. :\\ Even if I did a survey, not everyone might fill it in, so it wouldn't be accurate.

2012-07-01 19:55

Forum Posts: 49
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Anakin, never mind :-) I was just wondering.
2012-07-01 23:05

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Hi and welcome, Ultrakeanu! Congratulations on your baby!
2012-07-02 01:01

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I remember seeing your nickname. Welcome to WINM and welcome to the world your little girl!
ultrakeanu2012-07-02 01:30

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Thanks for the warm welcome ladies... and gentlemen,lol!(Thanks for reminding me Trinity!) I thought men were mostly jealous of Keanu, at least that's how my other half reacted to my Keanu addiction at first but now he also appreciates the guy and occasionally we even enjoy a Keanu movie together which is most awesome!
Anyways just wanted to say thanks, now back to my domestic duties ;))

Anakin McFly
2012-07-02 10:42


Forum Posts: 3076
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I'm totally jealous of Keanu for his awesomeness, but by being a fan I get to hijack some of that awesomeness by association. So. :|
2012-07-03 20:42

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Ciao Ultrakeanu! welcome to this site!

sorry for my delayed welcome.

I'm totally jealous of Keanu for his awesomeness, but by being a fan I get to hijack some of that awesomeness by association. So. :|


2012-07-04 05:43

Forum Posts: 184
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Welcome and congrats! This is the most awesome group you've joined. As Ani said, we're all hijacking Keanu's awesomeness by association, and enjoying his as well! And fandom makes a great escape from crying babies and dirty nappies. Good for you! :)
2012-08-20 05:57

Forum Posts: 541
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*waves from ceiling where she tends to lurk*

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