WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: CONOR O'NEILL APPRECIATION THREAD

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matrixnospoon032009-11-18 22:29

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Watch! It was actually better than I expected it would be.

And <3 Conor. But not as much as Neo.

2010-09-24 21:41

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I will now officially join the Conor O'Neill Appreciation Society, as I have finally actually seen Hardball. Yes. I generally hate (as in *HATE!*) sports movies, so it has taken me this long to see it.

It must be admitted that I didn't really care all too much about the story in itself, but wow - WOW! - Keanu played Conor so well. Is it just my imagination, or did he play this character in a more physical manner than usual? A bit hyper, severely stressed out, a guy thrashing furiously to get out of the tangled web he'd got himself snagged in.

I loved him. Doubt if the love affair with that teacher would last long, though. I could so easily picture him getting sucked into betting again.

Anakin McFly
2010-09-24 23:40


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or did he play this character in a more physical manner than usual? A bit hyper, severely stressed out, a guy thrashing furiously to get out of the tangled web he'd got himself snagged in.


conor. <3

2010-09-25 01:30

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^^ THAT.

see, ink, there's something about each movie K chose to be part of. sometimes it's the story. sometimes it's the 'talent' involved ( director and cast). And sometimes it's the role itself.

2010-09-25 02:52

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Agreed, LucaM, with one exception: Even Cowgirls Get the Blues. That one was just OMGWTF! Death by Vogon poetry would've been merciful in comparison.
2010-09-25 03:32

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maybe I've got a sick sense of humor, but I found that one amusing. I chose to watch it as a Gus Van Sant experiment. I mean, for Pete's sake, it's got cameos of Ken Kesey and W.Burroughs themselves, and the soundtrack composed and sung by k.d.lang ! And yet, it went so wrong it's got a car crash fascination about it...
Didn't read the novel, though. Although I might. one day. maybe.
2010-09-25 21:40

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haven't watched Hardball yet. Or The Replaements.

But like Ink, I don't like sports movies all that much... but I'll still watch it. maybe.

2011-06-25 07:58

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There's where I found the magic. I am not a sports fan or an action fan and reeves dragged me out of that mindset. I just adore those flicks now. I really have no business listening to my own limiting thoughts. :)
mermaid2011-07-30 10:18

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Hi everyone,
this is my first post here :)
I'm not a big fan of sports movies either but this one is worth a watch if only for the wonderful chemistry between Keanu and Diane Lane. Diane said in an interview that Keanu was 1 of the most handsome men that walked the earth! Their scenes are fantastic, you can feel the "sparks" between them. Also I highly recommend the DVD because the director and writer's commentary of the film is chock-full of little personal anecdotes about Keanu that are quite cool + it includes a deleted scene with Diane that is excellent (bar scene).
2011-07-30 11:24

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I agree that the commentary is priceless. The writer and the director really seem to be fans of Keanu's. I love Hardball and everything mermaid said.
BTW welcome to WINM mermaid!
mermaid2011-07-30 13:11

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Thanks Arya! This seems to be an awesome site. So many articles and info and the list of the fish categories is hilarious. I had the time of my life reading it (+ last night I read the entire "thank you" section. Loved all the comments). I's really nice Keanu has such an excellent site about him. Whoa :D
Anakin McFly
2011-08-17 23:24


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...just rewatched this.


2012-07-22 12:26

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Okay, after everything written in this thread, I'm definitely watching Hardball now. I promised to try and translate Generation Um... this weekend but it might be too late for a gloomy movie like that - and I'm out of booze, which usually helps, so... Hardball it is!
Anakin McFly
2012-07-22 13:02


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Apparently someone discovered an English version of Generation Um, so go ahead and watch Hardball! :D
2012-07-22 13:30

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Anakin, well, I'm supposed to translate it into Russian O_O Without the help of English subtitles. I had hard time understanding Batman in the movies on Thursday night, so I'm not sure how in the world... oh well, I'll just have to try.

But I hear it's kinda sad, and although Hardball is supposed to be sad too, I hope it's more appropriate to watch in the middle of the night.

2012-07-22 16:19

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... they're completely different kinds of sad :|

Anakin McFly
2012-07-22 20:31


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ah, okay.

I haven't seen Gen Um, but Hardball is definitely okay for middle-of-the-night watching.

2012-08-07 12:36

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Oh, by the way - loved Hard Ball. Connor is so stressed out all the time, when he's around grown-ups :) And much more relaxed around the kids (usually).

People on IMDb boards say "what's with all the excessive gestures, especially outside the bar, with Elizabeth". That is so weird. I usually try to control myself and not get too animated in pubic, but when I'm even get mad (which happens more often than I'd like, because people are just so stupid and lazy), things start flying around, desk gets slammed, and my laptop keyboard (along with the laptop, since they are so integrated, hehe) squeals in pain. Are these other people always calm?

Great movie, why people would hate it is beyond me.

2013-07-27 13:55

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Reviving an old thread!

I recently watched Hardball for the first time, and I think I found it hard to get through because the "projects kids" trope has been so over done SINCE this film. It was a bit trying because I'm so used to seeing the same old thing....but that said, Keanu was absolutely fantastic in the role. His accent was amazing, he barely sounded like himself and I really believed in Conor. I hadn't read those quotes from Keanu before, but it's true - Conor is a total scumbag, but he has heart underneath it all. And he really does end up loving those kids.

Also, early 2000's fashion. It's finally become it's own little niche! Those leather jackets and button down shirts, haha.

2014-06-23 07:13

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Just caught a few clips on YouTube and I don't know if it's his best work - to my mind nothing beats Constantine - but I can say he's astoundingly effective at playing an a-hole and he choked me up - like, a lot - during the eulogy scene. I'm not gonna ask if those tears were real because I thought his tribute was incredibly moving and well done. The emotion he conveyed - how much he loved G-Baby and how profoundly he was changed by knowing him - was beautiful and just spot-on for the situation.

Apparently some have complained about this being a lot darker than the trailer and ads have presented. To which I say it seems pretty realistic to me - Cabrini-Green, y'all - and having G-Baby die gives the "you showed up" speech so much more meaning. These were no middling obstacles the kids had to overcome. It is hard as hell to keep showing up to life when you've lost a loved one, and these kids did it. I liked the fact that they schooled Conor on this, rather than the reverse. I'd like to think that kind of mental fortitude will reward them later in life.

Anyway, am thinking rental so I can see the whole thing once. Don't know if it's worth a purchase as the death stuff will get harder on repeated viewings.

And, per usual, Keanu continues to amaze me with his ability to make me forget all his other roles. I just sort of stare at him now, unable to trace how Jack Traven can be Thomas Anderson can be Conor O'Neil can be John Constantine can be Tom Ludlow. I've never seen another actor who can just erase my memories of him when I'm watching one of his roles. I've learned to forget my previous notions of "Keanu Reeves" and just lose myself in whatever he's doing at the moment. That's when I wind up getting emotional about his work and seeing the tons of layers he brings to his characters. He is an endlessly interesting performer.

Forgot to add: when he said "I see some ladies who should be having my babies" how did those two women not jump up in agreement?!

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