WINM Forums :: Off-Topic Chat :: Star Wars Trailer

Star Wars Trailer
2014-11-29 05:50:08

Forum Posts: 474
Comments: 6
Reviews: 0
So (Anakin), have you got opinions? :|

Mine: they took awhile to get a lightsaber didn't quite look like a sward.

Anakin McFly
2014-11-30 15:43:25


Forum Posts: 3076
Comments: 405
Reviews: 1
The overall trailer was disappointing, but when the main theme music kicked in it made me insanely happy.

And I love the internet comments over the swiss-army lightsaber.

Someone speculated that it was to prevent people from the Star Wars tradition of chopping off arms, which is actually a good point.

2014-12-01 06:43:04

Forum Posts: 474
Comments: 6
Reviews: 0
The trailer was basically a sequence of non-plot revealing short flashes, but I'm grateful it wasn't just a long pan over the Star Wars logo with dramatic music in the background.

I saw the trailer with three other dudes, and opinions on the swiss-army lightsaber were pretty mixed: two loved it, two (where I was included) were meh about it.

The best part: the articles carefully analyzing the mechanics of the football droid.

Anakin McFly
2014-12-01 09:18:00


Forum Posts: 3076
Comments: 405
Reviews: 1

but I'm grateful it wasn't just a long pan over the Star Wars logo with dramatic music in the background.

Hahahaha yes.

Some people seemed to think that the lightsaber design applied to all the lightsabers, and if that's the case I'd be horrified. But if it's just a different variety of lightsaber, like the double-bladed one, then that'll be cool.

The best part: the articles carefully analyzing the mechanics of the football droid.

Oh, Internet.

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