Johnny Mnemonic (1995) :: Reviews

Guestjust fyi everyone needs to see (2011-04-25 08:48:08)

Forum Posts: 0
Comments: 875
Reviews: 2
No Maps For These Territories by William Gibson on DVD.
ARYAvery cool trailer (2010-08-14 00:15:45)

Forum Posts: 2836
Comments: 74
Reviews: 11
LucaMJohnny, we never really knew you... (2009-06-06 01:42:04)

Forum Posts: 4842
Comments: 381
Reviews: 13
contrariated by all the negative comments all over the net about this movie, I ended up reading as many interviews and articles on the subject as possible. and the original screenplay. and I still can't figure how the movie would have looked like if only the studio wouldn't have interfered with the 'creative process' . the only word that comes to mind is 'different'.

the movie is not 'that' bad, after all. it's got the 'cyberpunk' feeling to it; the atmosphere; it's Neuromancer meets "the bridge". but maybe that's the problem. maybe the two were never supposed to meet. not until All Tomorrow's Parties, at least. and that was a different party...

maybe the problem is that there were just too many Johnnys. the one in Gibson's screenplay is already a dangerous melange between Johnny and Case. add to this Keanu's own take on the character. cover with heavy layers of studio executives' and /or producers' ideas about what makes a movie marketable. shake well, stir and add ice.
well, that's what ended up on the screen.
I don't know whose idea it was to 'redeem' the character, but it somehow doesn't fit.

I still wish there were somewhere a few rolls of film, imprinted with Longo's black-and-white Alphaville-esque version of this movie...