Particle's Forum History

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Rumors of drama etcetera

2014-06-06 11:14

This is a recent pic of Bjork. Very similar in my opinion even the dress.

I hope that Keanu had fun at the concert.

Keanu Reeves Starring in 'Knock Knock' Thriller for Eli Roth

2014-04-19 11:09

Well how old is everyone?

I'm 29. Soon 30 ;)

Latex-bunny is so funny, thanks for this Lucam.

Bits and snippets off the web

2014-02-26 08:39

A small article of 1994 about "The Garden Of Keanadu"

Electronic satisfaction by Keanu


Ahh, autumn. Hot cider and Halloween; leaves turning colors and everyone running around campus looking all fresh and busy. Or so I'm told. I wouldn't know anything about it. I'm way too busy with my eyeballs stuck in the computer, salivating at those four beautiful words that appear on my screen every time I log into my cunix account: "You have new mail." This fall, something is much

more important to me than crispy beginnings: three Keanu Reeves movies are being released on video in November. I learned this from the on-line mailing list entitled "KeanuL" to which I recently subscribed. Basically, this means that every day I'm bombarded with 10 to 30 electronic mail messages from people all over the world who have one thing in common: they all

love the actor Keanu Reeves. By joining Keanu-L, I was fulfilling an assignment for my cyberspace reporting class —honest. With the help of the cutting edge in computer technology, I am poised to cover the brave new world of the Internet, using that worldwide network as both a valuable reporting tool and a medium to deliver news. Or something like that. I'll be employable anywhere, they tell me. So when my instructor said "get thee to a mailing list"

I certainly did. I'd had quite enough of Haiti and health care, thank you, so I joined Keanu-L instead. I've been learning a lot. I learn the day-to-day whereabouts of our hero and where to download his image from remote host computers onto my Macintosh computer at home. I learn the most intimate Keanu fantasies (the name Keanu means "cool breeze over the mountain" in Hawaiian) of the 128 other people who are members of this list: mostly straight women and gay men with college degrees, ac-

cess to computers, and (presumably) lots of free time. "I had the weirdest dream about Keanu last night ..." begins many a message. A surprising number of the women are in their thirties, and their boyfriends are forming a support group for people who love people who love Keanu. They list their favorite scenes from their favorite movies, and they flame the occasional interloper who dares to suggest that Reeves may not be the world's greatest actor. (But he is

getting better, a few do concede.) I must admit I've been unwittingly sucked into the garden of Keanadu, as these fanatics affectionately call their little world. Quite simply, I like getting email. By being a member of KeanuL, I get mail all the time. It may be worthless information, but it makes me feel popular. It keeps me from studying. Plus, it's a fast, efficient way of communicating. Some of my fellow graduate students send me mail too, but their messages are boring and when they're not ask-

ing me things like how to upload this or that or where to find such and such file, they're sending me transcripts of Governor Cuomo's most recent speeches. The folks on Keanu-L discuss more interesting matters, such as whether Keanu was doing drugs with River Phoenix on the set of "My Own Private Idaho," or if it's true that he wants to have David Geffen's lovechild. But surely this couldn't have been

what the administration was aiming for when they decided to invest all that time and money into getting the Columbia community on-line, with this year's incoming freshman class the first ever required to have basic e-mail accounts. Surely this wasn't in the

journalism school's vision when it transferred most of its library collection to Lehman and installed 16 shiny new X-terminals in its place. No matter what their intent, I just give thanks that I'm lucky enough to be here at Columbia where I have the opportunity to learn all these great new things. I like being wired. And so do plenty of other students I see when I walk by the Clio Plus terminals near the circulation desk in Butler Library. They're not seeking the whereabouts of that elusive dissertation on the constructs of paradigms in Arthurian romance; when you hear those keyboards clicking away, that's the sound of e-mail talking.

Lorraine Goods is a graduate student in the School of Journalism.

47 Ronin

2014-02-24 08:28

German Interviews,15184894,26012318.html


Chilean Interview

I found the links on mr-reeves

The Keanu Reading List

2014-01-10 09:44

Shibumi by Trevanian according to his sister Karina in twitter

Karina Miller ‏@KarinaRMiller

@nanea my bro tried to make Shibumi work for film...would be awesome if they could figure it out

47 Ronin

2014-01-05 10:15

Thanks so much Arya.
47 Ronin

2014-01-03 11:09

Keanu interview for the Globe Journal

Transcription in Portuguese.

O ator Keanu Reeves quem diria esta prestes a completar 50 anos. No seu próximo filme que estreia esse mês ele faz o papel de um samurai e mostra que ainda esta em ótima forma. Em NY ele deu uma entrevista exclusiva ... repórter Elaine Bast.


[Narração] Keanu no dialeto Havaiano quer dizer brisa fresca da montanha, significado singelo para o nome do ator que estourou em filmes de ação como Velocidade Máxima (Speed). Em Matrix Keanu Reeves fez sucesso como o hacker Neo. Keanu Reeves nasceu em Beirute no Líbano, mas cresceu em Toronto no Canada.

Pergunto para ele se a idade muda muita coisa:

[Resposta] Eu não sei, estou mais perto de morrer, é claro que a morte pode vir a qualquer momento, a mais riscos de doenças, o que não mudou foi o prazer de atuar, comecei com 15 anos, mas a euforia, ou seja, lá o que for isso, ainda esta acessa em mim.

[Narração] E ele mostra que continua ágil e em forma no novo filme Os 47 Ronin (47 Ronin) que se passa no Japão feudal, Keanu Reeves é Kai, ele faz parte de um grupo de 47 samurais que vão ... procura de vingar a morte do mestre.
Uma fase que poucos conhecem é do Keanu Reeves baixista de banda, durante muitos anos o grupo dele chegou a fazer vários shows nos Estados Unidos.

Pergunto se ele preferia ter sido uma estrela do rock em vez de cinema.

[Resposta] Oh meu deus, é difícil dizer são duas coisas que eu amo, tive bons momentos tocando, mas sendo ator foi algo que acabou definindo meu rumo.

[Narração] Reeves conta que tem um apartamento em NY e que sempre vem para a cidade visitar os amigos e a família. Pergunto se gosta de vir para Big Apple para ser an"nimo em meio ... multidão e ter uma vida normal.

[Resposta] Sim eu consigo passar despercebido em vários lugares que eu vou, mas claro que uma ou outra pessoa me reconhece, NY é uma cidade fantástica ...

[Narração] E quando esse galã de Hollywood pretende conhecer o nosso pais?

[Resposta] Adoraria ir no ano que vem para assistir a copa do mundo, mas na realidade qualquer dia seria um bom dia para ir ao Brasil.

[Narração] E quanto antes melhor os fãs agradecem.

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