Reviews for "Real World"
"an almost postmodern exploration of the reality of fiction. ... weaving Douglas Adams-esque humor and amusing tangents in with moments of real emotion and pathos"
"the best pop-cultural cross reference writing I've ever read"
"endlessly entertaining and amazing"
"funny, fascinating, and all in all enjoyable."
—Ashlyn Nix, TVTropes fanfic recommendation
Real World

Real World (2006.12.19)
Back to the Future / The Matrix / Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure / The Frighteners / Star Wars | Several movie characters get zapped into the real world, where they have to deal with each other and the discovery that they're fictional. |
Real World - Deleted Scenes (PDF; 2006.12.19)
Deleted scenes. |
They've Got Mail (OFF-SITE LINK) (2003.05.05 - 2005.07.27)
BTTF / Multifandom | A series of e-mails between BTTF characters that eventually developed into a story about inter-universe hopping. This is the original fic that Real World was based on. |
Wayfarers of the Space-Time Continuum (INCOMPLETE) (2005 - 2007)
AU: Back to the Future / The Matrix / Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure / The Frighteners | An alternate possible ending to Real World, in which Marty, Frank, Neo and Ted end up in the Nexus. |
Dementors Are Most Heinous
AU: Harry Potter / The Matrix / Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure | A Dementor attacks Ted. Bogus. |