sideways from eternity

fanfic > misc crossovers and other fandoms

Bottle Lake

Written by Anakin McFly

"...and this," Chris says, "is where I go to refill Bottle. The water here is so... cool, and refreshing, and Bottle really likes having it inside, you know. Here. Come on in. Feel it."

He backs into the water, bobbing up and down slightly on his feet, Zach following uncertainly after.

"Okay, the hat has to go," Chris says, gesturing at the fughat.

Zach reluctantly takes it off and tosses it towards shore where the rest of his clothes are. It lands in a sad heap of plaid and stripes.

Chris grabs hold of Zach's hands, pulling him further in, and lowers his arms into the water.

"Feels good, huh?" Chris asked, a grin of joy spreading over his face. "I come here with Bottle every fortnight. Bottle's been... getting jealous over the, uh, time I've been spending with Pie, but I don't bring foodstuff to the lake. Just Bottle."

Zach smiles along, pretending that he has absolutely no worries about Chris' mental health. "Yeah," he says. "Bottle's lucky to have you," he adds.

Chris laughs, floating on the ecstasy of love. "Yeah," he says. "But it works both ways, Zach. Both ways. I'm lucky to have Bottle too."

And beneath the laugh and playful splashing, he fails to see the wistful sadness on Zach's face.
