The Dark Marshmallow
Written by Anakin McFly
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Luke Skywalker stuck his head through Yoda's doorway. "Master Yoda, Emperor Palpatine requests your presence. He's waiting outside."
"Palpatine, did you say? Hmmm..." Yoda picked up his walking stick and hobbled out of his house. Funny, he had not been able to sense the bad guy. Yoda concluded that he must have been getting old.
Outside, Emperor Palpatine was waiting, holding something in his hand. Yoda approached him.
"Ah, Yoda, there you are."
"Want, what do you?"
"Oh, nothing much. I just thought that I'd like to be friends with you again."
"Oh? Mmm..." Yoda eyed the Sith suspiciously. "Why?"
The Emperor looked uncomfortable.
"Uh, it's just that... last night I was dreaming of all the fun we used to have... like remember that time in the Jedi kindergarten when we were bestest best friends?"
Yoda sighed happily at the memory, and then grew alert again. "REALLY want, what do you?"
"I'd like to give you this marshmallow as a peace offering." The Emperor opened his fist to reveal a small, pink one.
"AHA! Knew it, I did. Want to poison me, you do. Take the marshmallow, I shall NOT."
"Master Yoda, I am offended! I thought... we might actually be friends again..."
The Dark Lord looked so miserable that Yoda walked up and picked up the marshmallow.
He sniffed at it, examining it closely. "The Dark Side, I sense in this marshmallow."
"B... how can a marshmallow be Dark Side?"
"Mmm... strange are the ways of the Force," Yoda replied mysteriously, turning the pink thing over with his fingers. Finally, he brought it to rest on his palm. "Mmm..."
Suddenly, Luke ran up, wondering what was going on. "Yoda?" His eyes widened. "Is that a marshmallow?"
Luke started drooling...
"A marshmallow, it is."
...and suddenly reached forward, grabbed the marshmallow, and popped it into his mouth.
The two Force masters stared as Luke devoured the marshmallow with evident pleasure. "Taste good, does it?" Yoda asked, concerned for the boy's health.
"Yup." Luke licked his lips. The young Jedi-in-training then looked up at the Emperor. "Please sir, can I have some more?"
There was a long pause.
Then, shaking his head in disbelief, Palpatine departed from Dagobah, leaving behind one hungry guy and one bewildered Jedi.