sideways from eternity

Star Wars

Kaboom (2004.04.07)

Ep 4 | Alderaan blows up.

Hit the Nose! (2003.10.27)

Ep 1 | The Pit Droids strike back...

The Twisted Diary Entries of Jaina Solo (INCOMPLETE) (2003.01.28)

EU | Jaina is hit on the head, her IQ is lowered, and this is the diary she keeps after that.

The Short Green Dude is Eeevil (2003.01.25)

Ep 5 | Yoda isn't as innocent as he looks.

Fourth Child (2003.08.00)

EU | The Solo family welcomes their newest addition.

The Dark Marshmallow (2003.04.05)

Ep 5 | Of the Dark Side, that marshmallow is.

Star Wars: The Weakest Link (INCOMPLETE) (2003.00.00)

Eight contestants spend time answering completely pointless questions, all for the sake of one million cents... Who will be voted off next?

Dude, Where's My Arm? (INCOMPLETE) (2003.00.00)

The dude-ified Star Wars

Steering Trouble (2002.11.20)

Ep 4 | What if Luke's X-Wing controls were faulty...?

Lunch (2002.11.06)

OT | Burp.

Poetry & Songfics

Y-O-D-A (2009.07.04)

Ep 5 | Young Luke, there's a place you must go

Limerick Attack! (2005.06.21)

Limericks! And haikus!

The Phantom Poet (2005.06.14)

Ep 1 | Breaking the fourth wall...

The Bunsen Burner Strikes Back (2005.06.06)

EU | Boom.

Revenge of the Sonnetteer (2005.06.01)

Ep 5 | Yoda was asking for it.

Attack of the Lava (2005.05.24)

Ep 3 | Anakin Skywalker burnt by lava / Fangirls shriek and run away...

The Yoda Song (2005.03.04)

The Star Wars version of The Llama Song

Return of the Infinite Improbability Drive (2005.00.00)
The Planets
