WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: CONOR O'NEILL APPRECIATION THREAD

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Anakin McFly
2009-09-20 23:24


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Because he is awesome and needs to be appreciated.

"I liked Conor because for all his hustling and scalping he has respect and a good heart.
There was this inherent goodness to the character, even if he may not like himself all
that much. He has a lot of self-loathing ... but he can be redeemed."
- Keanu

"He's kind of trapped, and I think that's one of the reasons why, if you do
respond to the piece, you might root for him. He's a guy who is so damaged, so
full of self-loathing, and he finds something inside of himself where he thought
he had nothing. It's a great part. I had one of my best acting experiences
playing that guy."
- Keanu

2009-09-21 05:49

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CONOR!!! YAY!!!!!! :)
2009-09-21 08:49

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This is one of them still sitting waiting for me to watch it.. ;)

Oh, this is an appreciation thread, ok, yeah, I like Conor 'cause Keanu did :D

More later when I've actually 'met' the man ;)

{{sorry, just couldn't keep still}}

Anakin McFly
2009-09-21 13:01


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This is one of them still sitting waiting for me to watch it.. ;)

Watch it.

2009-09-21 13:11

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2009-09-21 19:04

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what Ani said.
Anakin McFly
2009-09-22 01:15


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From keanuvision:

"One thing I want to comment on. There's a pizza box on the top of the TV (which is on top of another TV, heh, white trash decor), in the exact same place there was a pizza box presumably weeks ago when the barber's son paid a visit. There was some discussion on a list I'm on whether this was a continuity error. I'd just like to say again, that I know guys like Conor. It's the same pizza box. He also has no clean forks and is using at least one coffee cup as an ashtray. His trash can is overflowing with beer cans and if you look in his fridge there's nothing but a half bottle of spicy brown mustard, and an empty Miracle Whip jar with the knife still in it. I'm suprised he actually has sheets on the bed."


Also from kvision, in some vaguely related note: "Conor gets chased by a couple of the barber's thugs. This satifies the "In every Keanu Reeves movie, he must run" requirement, and I check it off the list."


The whole series of Hardball recaps (4 in all) starts from here: -> it's basically the whole film and therefore the entire thing is a spoiler. Don't click if you haven't watched.

(Apparently some fish asked Keanu if he used eye drops for the crying scene. Luckily for Reeves, Conor won't be bashing down his door with an onion any time soon in attempts to make him cry.)

2009-09-22 01:36

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... and you don't want to know what's under that bed.
trust me.
you just don't.

2009-09-22 16:38

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Some things are better left unknown. ;)
Anakin McFly
2009-09-22 22:53


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And in some R-rated deleted scene awesomeness from the 1999 draft:

TICKY sits at a stool near a familiar window that's boarded up. CONOR enters and slams the paperbacks on the bar.

(to the bartender)
Gimme a bat and a ball.

Conor O'Neill, coach of the crack babies.

Fuck you.

Do you realize that that's all you ever say to me, "fuck you". Hey Conor, "fuck
you". Wanna go to the game? "Fuck you". Hey Conor fuck you, "fuck you".

The BARTENDER stares him down.

O'Neill, Duffy's here. Tell me you got his money.

Listen "no neck", what's your name again?


Good Peter, "fuck you", go get Duffy.

The BARTENDER glares at CONOR before going into the back room. CONOR turns to TICKY.

CONOR (cont'd)
I can't coach that team, I gotta get out. I'm serious, I'm bailin' out.

How did it go with the nuns? Did you tell them "fuck you?"


God, she was beautiful.

You picked up a nun?

Ticky... "Fuck you".


You just think I'm a joke.


It's people like me that make people like you feel better about your tiny life.

Fuck you.

Fuck me?! That's my line. Fuck you. You're ridiculous.

2009-09-23 01:45

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keanugirl762009-09-29 14:55

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Moreover, he's funny and this is a feature I always appreciate.
2009-09-29 15:35

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One thing I wonder about, is whether any of Keanu's critics ever watched this movie...
Anakin McFly
2009-09-29 15:38


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Apparently so. He got a Worst Actor Razzie nomination for it. :\
2009-09-29 23:34

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Geez, I wonder which movie those "judges" watched. Or which actor. Or maybe they just read Keanu's name on the cover and decided to nominate him without even watching it first. Did they give any specific reason for the nomination at all?
Anakin McFly
2009-09-29 23:42


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They never give reasons for these things. Though the review from Variety magazine said: "In a telling scene that displays his limits as an actor able to convey life's funny ironies, Reeves' way with Conor makes him look more like a schizophrenic than a man wrestling with his conscience."

although Conor in the script was extremely schizophrenic (and awesome), more so than Keanu played him (though still awesome), so I don't know what they're getting at.

...This reminds me of the time when they accused Keanu of not being funny in The Replacements, putting this down to what they considered his always-lousy acting, when Keanu in an interview talked about how he and the director had decided on Shane Falco being the straight guy in the midst of the comedy.

2009-09-30 00:21

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prejudice and superficiality, mixed with a know-it-all attitude...
it's a killer combination.

keanugirl762009-09-30 15:55

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Together with Sweet November, this is my mother's favourite Keanu movie. She was a teacher - now she has retired - and she has always liked this movie very much. She still keeps on saying that it should be shown in schools.
Anakin McFly
2009-11-18 13:28


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seer! You watched Hardball yet?
2009-11-18 21:38

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Nope ;)

I'll get there.. eventually :D

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