What's New: 2009

2013–16 updates | 2010–12 updates | 2008 updates

29 December 2009

As requested, here's a different version of the calendar. Feel free to take.

Click here to go to download page and scroll down to the second calendar.

24 December 2009

Merry Christmas in advance. Here's a 2010 calendar! Do what you wish with it; if you want different pictures for different months, just send me an e-mail at admin(at)whoaisnotme.net.

Click here to go to download page.

29 November 2009
Added a Database section for this site. Still working on it; more entries will be uploaded later. (EDIT: Okay, initial dump complete.)

Meanwhile, I'll be away for the first two weeks of December, so no updates for that period; check out the forums for any latest news.

31 October 2009
Updated the database with Keanu's television and stage work; added scans to this article.
28 October 2009
Added more songs from the original Dogstar (with Gregg Miller), again thanks to LucaM. Dinosaur of the week is the Velociraptor. I also dumped the feed thing because it's giving outdated, irrelevant news.
25 October 2009
Added four songs from the original Dogstar, thanks to LucaM: Morning Comes, Acid Room, Visions Gone and Ride.
20 October 2009
Narrowed the overall width by about 60 pixels for the benefit of smaller screens.
19 October 2009
Front page revamp, whooo.
17 October 2009
Someone has removed The Private Lives of Pippa Lee from Youtube.
12 October 2009
Someone has uploaded The Private Lives of Pippa Lee on Youtube.
8 October 2009
The first episode of Sparhusen is out.

Also, today's articles (those that say 'Added 8/10/09', which as of now are all four of them) up there are good. Read them. The one entitled 'Interview' is not a Keanu interview but an interview with Chris Nickson, who wrote a Keanu biography. He sounds awesome. I'd like to talk with him.

4 October 2009
My continuing thanks to inkhuldra for typing and/or sending several 90s Keanu articles that she discovered.

Articles archive - You can now do searches by author, by source or by country.

2 October 2009
Okay it's almost 2am in the morning here and I'm going off to sleep. I've technically finished making changes to the articles archive, and everything works fine my end. But there seems to be some problems for some people, though I think it's just due to lag. If you get any error messages, just drop me a note here. If you don't get any error messages and everything works fine, it would be great if you could say so there as well so I know that at least it's working for some people.

So yeah... that's about it for now. I'll get the rest of the stuff done tomorrow. Or today, technically.

1 October 2009
I've been working on making the articles partly dynamic so that you can do searches by author and source and stuff, so uploading has been put on temporary hiatus until I get that done hopefully in a few hours and can clear the backlog.

In the meantime, here's the Shadow 19 script and the 47 Ronin script. Haven't read the latter, but Shadow 19 is awesome. Writer is Jon Spaihts, who worked with Keanu on the Passengers script, which is still one of the best scripts I've ever read. Go read.

27 September 2009
WINM runs on a Singaporean server, so the timestamps are all based off the time here; blueclover once asked if it was possible to set time zones, and while I think it might be, I don't currently have the programming know-how to do that. So instead I've tweaked the system a little to display the amount of time that has passed since the last comment or forum post, instead of the actual time. Posts made within the last 24 hours are linked in red, the older ones in navy. Hope this will help. :)

Meanwhile, new entry on the WINM blog, in response to a fish. Plus some earlier additions to the Wall of Shame, and a Kenneth Branagh quote on Keanu's acting.

25 September 2009
Fixed article broken links; sorry about that. Here you go: 'Cowboy Bebop is Apparently 'Too Awesome' for Fox to Make' and this untitled article.

Added magazine scans - 'The Wait is Almost Over!' and The Matrix Returns'.

23 September 2009
The script for Henry's Crime is up, with many thanks to mercy740.
22 September 2009
Just finished going through the Keanuvision archives and adding articles and scans I didn't have. Krix, if you're out there, thanks for the laughs and the art and the Reeves.

Added scans: 'Coach' Keanu plays Hardball and What next - Keanu U?.

I'll be taking a short break from articles uploading to catch up with my academic work, and after that I'll tackle the Reeves Drive cache and anything that inkhuldra sends me.

17 September 2009
Okay for some reason (probably the Toronto International Film Festival) there are a whole lot of news updates for today that won't fit in the three allocated spaces, so if you're interested in those just go over to this and scroll down.
15 September 2009
RIP, Patrick Swayze.
14 September 2009 (2)

See the trailer. It is awesome.

14 September 2009
New poll up. I've been thinking of making a list of all the major milestone Keanu interviews, mostly for those people who don't like the thought of wading through several dozen articles on casting updates or where the next Matrix sequel fake!explosion is likely to take place. It's kind of sad that a lot of really great pieces get lost in all that, so yeah... If a lot people seem interested in having such a list, it'll be motivation for me to get down to it.

Regarding the articles that make it to the front page of this site (3 news, 4 archive) - I usually try to put the more interesting ones up in times when there are a lot of new uploads, but on slower days they're just the more recent ones. Of today's lot, 'Cyber Keanu' and 'In Defense of Zion' are excellent articles. The former is a new French interview from 1999 with a lot of stuff that's not in the others, and the other is a very nice take on Revolutions by Bernard White, who played Rama Kandra in the film. Read them.

In other news, a whole lot of new Keanu & River pics have been added to this 1991 interview, and one scan to this short 1989 article, thanks to the Keanuvision archives.

12 September 2009
Courtesy of the Keanuvision archives and other places, I've found a few other scans to go with some of the articles here. Can't remember all of them at the moment, but recent adds were for 1994's Empire feature, 1991's Sky magazine article, 1993 article from British magazine 'The Face', GQ's May 2003 article, a 1988 article from Choices magazine and a a 2005 Thumbsucker article.
9 September 2009
Thanks to inkhuldra, who just discovered a whole lot of old Keanu articles she has on her old computer. A few of them aren't in the archive yet, so I'll be adding those in time.
2nd September 2009
Here's wishing Mr. Reeves a happy 45th birthday. (If it's not yet 2nd September for you, that's because I'm from the future.) A poll has been specially created for this momentous occasion.

Mr. Reeves, if you're reading this, welcome to the Internet. It's awesome. Like you. But with search engines and clickable buttons and lolcats. Also, the masses have spoken and indicated their longing for a musical version either of Constantine or The Lake House. I trust that you will make the appropriate arrangements. Happy birthday. I am sorry to announce that the cake is a lie, but since there is no spoon, perhaps it's for the better.

Today also marks a full year since WINM shifted onto its own domain a few minutes after midnight on 2nd September 2008, making this the first anniversary of whoaisnotme.net, though WINM's actual anniversary is January 11. This time last year I was sitting on my bed in my on-campus dorm with my laptop balanced precariously on the too-small portable nightstand, because the room's only light was above the bed. Weird Al Yankovic's "Hardware Store" - a song I shall always associate with WINM for this reason - was blasting away, and finally I finished the shift over from freewebtown.com and panicked at the bugs and searched frantically for solutions and and fixed the bugs and went to sleep happy and woke up slightly less happy in the morning to go for class.

To everyone who has been supporting this site or the Keanu SWAT Team in some way, you all rock. Continue being excellent, to each other or otherwise, and party on, dudes. *air guitar*

31 August 2009
Added lyrics to the Dogstar songs, with the exception of the four from the Complete Collection because they don't appear available anywhere online, and I don't trust my hearing ability.
26 August, 2009
(Hi, it's 1:18 in the morning.) Just finished some fairly major re-structuring of the articles archive; tried to even out the distribution, basically, because there were sections with like 400 articles and others with 100, and so there are now 14 sections instead of the previous 11.

New banners were created accordingly. The original 2007-2008 banner was scrapped completely because I discovered that the photo it used was taken in 2005, and I'm anal about things like that. Replaced it with a 2008 magazine scan after I'd Photoshopped it around a bit. Photoshop is fun.

23 August, 2009
Edited the FAQ; rearranged stuff and added a handful of new entries.
19 August, 2009
Updated the Keanu Movie Database with more titles, including upcoming projects and some older ones. Rearranged the list in chronological rather than the previous alphabetical order. Eventually I'll add his TV and stage work.

Meanwhile, the Database of Fish has been updated with new entries.

16 August, 2009
The new forums are, tentatively, up.

More details here: http://www.whoaisnotme.net/forums/view.php?threadid=1.

14 August, 2009
New poster for The Private Lives of Pippa Lee is up.

Meanwhile I've been working on a customised forum so I can basically move the whole thing to the main site; that should be up in a few weeks or so, depending on my university workload.

9 August, 2009
To all my fellow Singaporeans - HAPPY NATIONAL DAY!
7 August, 2009
I neatened up the quotes section and split the section on his work into two - on his acting and on his dedication to his craft so there's less tl;dr. Some new quotes added. One day I should probably do more to break those pages up into more readable chunks, maybe sticking a picture between every few quotes or something.

My second year of university is starting next week, so this site will either see heightened or lowered activity from me, depending on how much work I have and how much I need this place to escape.

6 August, 2009
Uploaded an early screenplay of The Day the Earth Stood Still remake. It is so, so, so much better than the final film. It's depressing. They cut out all the good bits, and the ending is infinitely better than what they had in the end. I am now completly disillusioned with Hollywood.

New entry on the Wall of Shame, and FutureFix.Net has meanwhile found a free host and shifted to its own domain off this site.

1 August, 2009
My other website - FutureFix.Net - is currently riding on this domain until I find a good free host, so if you like you can go check it out at its temporary home at http://www.whoaisnotme.net/futurefix. It's basically a directory of all the Back to the Future fan fiction available on the Internet. Yeah, I do have some sort of obsession with archiving things. :\

That aside, the WINM articles archive just passed the 2,000 mark today. \o/

And another new poll recently up.

23 July 2009
Another new poll, largely the result of me and rampant_chaos8 chatting past midnight my time. Multiple choices are allowed for the simple reason that it is too full of awesome.
18 July 2009
New poll.
16 July 2009
Okay, that took three hours of data entry because I decided to ignore the backup and start over from scratch just in case I missed anything the first time (which it turns out I did), and everything's back to normal again.
15 July 2009
Made an abysmally stupid typo error. Thankfully I have a backup - though it's over a month old and will take time to update - but until then, the tags for the articles archive are thus temporarily out of service.
11 July 2009
Created a Dogstar section, with all their three albums available for free download. Thanks to LucaM. EDIT: Fixed broken links and added another five songs; credit goes to Britta from Keanuites.

In the meantime, Internet Explorer 7 has been occasionally wrecking havoc with the main page of this site, but so far hitting refresh seems to work most of the time. Either way, I'm on it. Apparently it's a known bug in IE7 and is called the float bug. Alternatively you could use Firefox. Firefox is good.

If you're not using IE and are still experiencing site layout screwups, e-mail me at admin(at)whoaisnotme.net. Thanks.

8 July 2009
More formatting edits - whole site is on fixed width now. There may be weird glitches along the way while the various changes catch up.

Updated Site History. It's almost been a year since WINM went on its own domain...

5 July 2009
Tweaked menu formatting throughout site. Any glitches anywhere, let me know.

New poll. And this is the first time I wish Keanu had done Speed 2. That way it can be a hexalogy! :D

29 June 2009
Someone uploaded a 2009 Keanu video biography on Youtube - "Hollywood's Unlikely Hero".

Video is in 7 parts.

Fixed major formatting errors in Firefox. Added list of members.

27 June 2009
New poll.
24 June 2009
Added rebuttal for Keanu is secretly a robot, dedicated in answer to Mr. Toh and Ms. Loh from Singapore newspaper TODAY.

Updated character database entry for Nelson Moss. Minor updates to links and FAQ. Edited Polls page for easier reading.

20 June 2009
If anyone is interested, these are the most clicked on tags:

1. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
2. Speed
3. Much Ado About Nothing
4. Hamlet (focus)
5. Hamlet
6. The Tempest
7. Lives and Deaths of Jennifer and Ava (focus)
8. Lives and Deaths of Jennifer and Ava
9. Speed (focus)
10. The Curious Case of the Barrie Woman and her Fully Grown Children (focus)
11. Creepy Foreshadowing
12. River's Edge
14. Cowboy Bebop (focus)
15. On the Pap with the Badly Grazed Knee

Stats are fun.

18 June 2009
Back from a short trip; fixed persistent and just-discovered broken link that was the master tag page.
12 June 2009
Added the 1995 draft of the Chain Reaction script back when it was known as 'Dead Drop'.
10 June 2009
Someone has put the whole of Tune in Tomorrow up on Youtube.
9 June 2009
Added Keanu quotes to character database for Conor O'Neill. New poll.
4 June 2009
After much angst and procrastination, the Keanu Movie Database is, very tentatively, online. I still have the feeling that things might explode, but so far test runs on code seem to indicate that everything works. So yeah; you can leave reviews for films and stuff.

Once again, if there are any bugs in the system, please let me know. Thanks!

2 June 2009
Dear esteemed visitors from the AgonyBooth forums:

We are not a satire. This is explained nicely in our FAQ. All of us here are genuine Keanu fans. It is disheartening to see how any opposing view is assumed automatically to be a joke.

And as for Winston Churchill: spin on, old man. Spin on.

30 May 2009
Fixed a gigantic bug that wouldn't allow members using Internet Explorer to add articles to their favourites. I have no idea why, but anyway I changed the code a little and now everything should work fine. If there are any more problems, please let me know. Thanks!
27 May 2009
THE TRAILER IS OUT for The Private Lives of Pippa Lee.
26 May 2009
Split up articles archive into 11 sections from the previous 10 for a more even distribution and faster loading. 2003 is now a section of its own, as is 2001-2002.

Added long quote from non_heinous to In Defence.

New poll.

20 May 2009
New poll. Character database updated with new (and much lacking) entries (The Cornflakes Guy + Jesse Walker + Don John + Hamlet + Ron Petrie); minor content updates - Nelson Moss, David Allen Griffin, Donnie Barksdale.
17 May 2009
New guestbook up, contents shifted over from old one. Minor updates - Wall of Shame, character database (Donnie + Nelson + Shane), In Defence.
16 May 2009
Another new blog entry, basically another reaction to the recent spike in fish and a summary of all the Keanu bashing that goes on.

Meanwhile the guestbook has appeared to have been flooded with over 300 entries of spam. This sucks, especially since the freewebtown control panel won't let me delete entires en masse. I have to go through each one individually and delete them, and most likely I'll just create a new guestbook and captcha protect that.

In the meantime, if you're interested in links entitled such tantalising subjects as "PREGNANT SEX" or "miley cyrus nude" or "lindsay lohan porn" or "jennifer aniston in a bikini", the guestbook is still there, so be my guest.

10 May 2009
New blog entry regarding Jekyll & Hyde at the WINM Blog.
6 May 2009
My exams just finished so it's three weeks of break now, and I'll be getting up at least four articles every day while I work on other site stuff.
5 May 2009
New entries under In Defence, and new quotes for all three sections of the Quotes section because I finally decided to get rid of the backlog.

Viewing the result has once again spurred me on to getting this site on a fixed-width layout, because I realise that it is kind of hard to read words stretched out too wide on the screen.

3 May 2009
New entries to the Wall of Shame. It's been a while.

Also did minor updates to the character database some time ago - replaced some of the last-resort pictures I had to use when my Internet was down; added content to entries for John Constantine, Shane Falco and Tom Ludlow.

Lastly, bunch of additions to the WINM propaganda page.

2 May 2009
Minor layout revamp of the first page. I wanted to go fixed width, but that turned out harder than it looked, so I'm just sticking with this for the moment.
27 April 2009
If you have an account, you can now add articles to your favourites and have a collection of your own; other's collections can be accessed through their profiles.

Some articles have proven to be buggy due to weird formatting; as such, if along the way you come across an article that can't be added to favourites, send me an e-mail with the error message. Thanks!

26 April 2009
Avatars enabled. Took forever to work out the code for that one. Avatars are limited to images 60x60 pixels in size; most of those from websites tend to be 100x100, so you might have to resize if you want to use one of those.

Also a minor correction regarding the authorship of Passengers (thanks LucaM) - it's not known if Stephen Hamel had any part in the writing. Officially, the script was written by Jon Spaihts; Keanu apparently had a hand in the story, but that's about it so far.

25 April 2009
Enabled persistent session cookies - you can now stay logged in for a month to save the trouble of logging in and out.
21 April 2009
Comment editing / deleting enabled. Some of your earlier comments may not be appear correctly in the editing box if they contain apostrophes, but everything should be fine from now on.
20 April 2009
And the universe appears to be still intact. Awesome. Okay, I'm stripping all incoming comments of HTML to prevent hacking and/or spambot attacks, so for formatting purposes use regular BB code - currently there's [b]bold text[/b], [i]italics[/i], [u]underline[/u], which should do for the moment. Eventually I'll enable links and smileys and stuff; currently I'm working on sticking in line breaks, because for some reason it's not working.
18 April 2009
Okay. I just did something really big and really risky and the whole site may explode.

See that new thing on the top right hand corner of the page? Yeah. Um. Technically this should work, because the tests went fine, but I still have the feeling that something would probably go wrong somewhere, so...

But there's only one way to find out. So. Register. Find an article. Try posting a comment. See what happens, and if everything goes fine, then that would be most triumphant and I can go on to work on improving the system.

Currently you can't edit or delete your comments, so just keep that in mind. And yeah... go have fun. :)

And along the way if you come across any glitch in the Matrix system - error messages where there shouldn't be, strange formatting, and so on - just let me know and I'll go fix it. Thanks in advance!

13 April 2009
Currently in the midst of projects and upcoming exams, so things might be slow for a while.

In the meantime, I've been working on a users system for WINM so that you can log in and leave signed comments and stuff. I'm still fixing bugs in the change password script, and so anything more substantial would probably take a while to come, but yeah... I'm hoping to get that up hopefully in a month's time or less so that you can leave comments for articles and (later) movie reviews, and this site will be less dead.

Eventually I plan to integrate the entire site - main site, polls, guestbook, forums etc into one place instead of the current system where things are hosted all over the Internet.

8 April 2009
Here are two links for the lulz:

1. An xkcd comic in honour of The Matrix's 10th anniversary; and

2. "Battle of the Keanu Messiahs". (thanks, ckage.) ...I say Neo wins.

7 April 2009
Passengers is actually getting some attention! This is making me unreasonably happy. It's still the best script I've ever read (after this and Chef, I still say that Keanu should totally take a break from acting and go into writing because he comes up with really brilliant stories), and if they do a good job, it will probably be my second favourite Keanu film ever after the unbeatable awesome that is The Matrix.

Admittedly I did not see him in the lead role, but I can live with that. The film's getting made. That's all that matters at the moment. Better still if he does this before Cowboy Bebop and the other less interesting films he has lined up. My ideal line-up would be Passengers followed by Chef followed by everything else.

For those of you who would like to read the script, it's available here. Story by Keanu Reeves and Stephen Hamel, script by Jon Spaihts.

Meanwhile regarding the current WINM poll, it turns out that someone doesn't want tea. :(

4 April 2009
Edited the main page for 'Defending Keanu' because it was looking bare. Mr. Churchill's legacy continues. Also added a bunch of questions and answers to the FAQ, because that thing is addictive.

The Keanu Movies Database is meanwhile about 1/5 complete after I decided to do some work on it today after a very long time of procrastinating.

31 March 2009
1. Happy 10th Anniversary to The Matrix. I feel old.

2. I mildly revamped the articles archive. Namely, shiny new banner things. If you are nostalgic for the old ones, they are available under the link in the right-hand menu that says "Old Graphics".

3. This revamp also included splitting the archive into ten rather than the previous eight sections, for easier loading and less scrolling.

4. There is no fourth point.

29 March 2009
Discovered a whole lot of formatting and link errors in the Miscellaneous section of this site. I've fixed them. I think. I hope. At least now I know where all those 404 error reports were coming from...
26 March 2009
Regarding the previous update - the screening time has been revised to 6:30 pm, if you're still interested in sneaking onto NUS campus for the free movie.
25 March 2009
Fixed a bunch of broken links; sorry for the delay. I haven't been checking the error log as often as I used to. There seem however to be several people who are being directed here via broken article links. All article links should have the 'articles/' directory, i.e. 'http://www.whoaisnotme.net/articles/xxxx_xxxx_xxx.htm'.

Added scanned newspaper clipping to this article.

Meanwhile, the National University of Singapore - at which I study and through which I am allocated work that prevents me from spending all my time on this site - is giving a free screening of The Day the Earth Stood Still remake in LT27 (science faculty) on the 28th of March, 9:10 pm during Earth Hour. I don't know if it's open to the public, but you could always try to sneak in. Don't tell them I told you.

23 March 2009
Updated the FAQ. A few more new articles up, and with that I've exhausted one of my largest article sources. Two more to go, which together might have as many as 1000 articles or more. Their locations are sekrit. One of 'em isn't even on the public-accessible Internet any more.
21 March 2009
I just finished a couple of university assignments, and decided to take a break by formatting and uploading about 30 new articles. This is how I know I'm stressed out with schoolwork - fandom has once again become a luxury. Gone are the days of December 2008 when I had random nervous breakdowns over the number of The Day the Earth Stood Still articles and interviews I had in the site backlog.

Anyway. Some of those recently-uploaded articles are kind of fascinating - this one about how Keanu refused to dye his hair blond for Constantine and thought that the blond wigs he tried on made him look "absolutely stupid". He probably did, though he was, however, blond as a kid. That article on I Love You to Death mentions how Keanu wanted desperately to buy over the bar featured in the film; and this one features a fan, Julie Piotrowski, who has earned about US$8,000 selling Keanu memorabilia on eBay. She is, apparently, still alive and on Facebook, and I'd like to contact her to tell her how awesome she is (and ask if I can have free stuff), but I can't find her e-mail address. :(

Lastly, new poll.

10 March 2009
WINM got featured on a blog! , in which I realised that people do actually read our FAQ, and as such have decided to make it a little more substantial.
6 March 2009
New poll, and articles are still being added on a somewhat daily basis.
24 February 2009
Hi everybody. I was without Internet (and telephone. And TV.) for a couple of days due to ISP stupidity, so I got productive and did a lot of stuff with writing and homework and this site. So now there's the heavily revamped character database up. Yep! I should probably be Internet-less more often. I get so much done... (If you're using IE and the layout hasn't updated and everything is black, clear your cache or just wait a day or two. Clearing your cache is faster. Go to 'Tools -> Internet Options -> Browsing History -> Delete -> Delete Temporary Internet Files')
18 February 2009
Discovered majorly screwed layout when using Firefox or non-IE browsers, but I fixed that. I think.
17th February 2009
Twitched the opening layout a little, and new poll.

16th February 2009
Uploaded the 8th revised draft of The Watcher, back when it was still going by the title of 'Driven'.
13th February 2009
Thus completes the most radical site revamp since WINM was launched just over a year ago. \o/ There's been no new content since the last update, so don't bother looking; it's just mostly stuff being reorganised for (much) easier navigation. Some things may have changed places.

The site currently looks best in Internet Explorer, though differences are minimal - it's mostly just this annoying line that I can't get rid off in Firefox no matter what I do. If you don't know which annoying line I mean, good for you!

There may be a bunch of broken links or weird formatting still lying around the site because I haven't really had the chance to go through it yet, but they should be fixed in time once I locate them.

There'll be more things coming up in future for this site - mainly the Keanu Movies Database, which is turning out to be more work than I thought it would be. In the meantime my homework is calling because I spent a whole day on this revamp.

10th February 2009
New articles + pictures added for this and this and this and this and this and this.
8th February 2009
Another lot of new articles up; they now total 1,099, with more on the way. I've also edited the Quotes section of the site such that most of the quotes are now linked to their sources in the articles archive. Those that aren't linked are probably video interviews that haven't been transcripted. I've also added more quotes in to all three sections, mostly those I found from the newer articles.

Removed the 18th May 2007 SWAT archive upon request - if any more of you with material on this site wish to be removed, just drop me an e-mail at admin(at)whoaisnotme.net and let me know.

I usually check the site's error log once a day, so if you come across any broken links on the site, they should be fixed by the next day and you can try again.

Lastly, new poll. Regarding the previous poll - to whoever selected that option, are you really from Antartica?

4th February 2009
I'm kind of busy with university because term just started a few weeks ago, but in the meantime I'll be trying to clear the backlog of articles that I have, so probably close to daily updates for the next few days or so. A lot of new articles today, mostly related to the 2007-8 paparazzi lawsuit incident. They pretty much cover everything. For the whole story, here's its tag page.
31st January 2009
Two new photos from The Private Lives of Pippa Lee: here and here. [DEAD LINKS]
30th January 2009
I'VE FINISHED TAGGING THE ARCHIVE and I'm very proud of it. Go look! And have fun.
24th January 2009
Off to visit family for the Chinese New Year weekend; to everyone who celebrates it, gongxi facai. Will be back on the 27th. Tagging progress: in the midst of February 2005.
23rd January 2009
The articles tagging process is taking longer than I imagined; I'm currently navigating my way through 2003 in between my homework. In the meantime, there're a bunch of new articles up, and a new poll.
12th January 2009
Still alive. And the 1999 draft of Hardball is up. Have at it.
11th January 2009
My university term starts tomorrow, gah. In the meantime, the original (?) draft of The Lake House has been added under Scripts; it's fairly different from the final film in parts. Names changed, for one.
7th January 2009
Just a note to say that after Firefox stopped banning Freewebtown, I shifted back to WINM's old guestbook, so, uh, yeah, that's back. If this is your first time visiting the site, or if you've been a regular visitor but have yet to say anything, I would really appreciate it if you just dropped me a note or something there. If you don't want to use your own e-mail address, just make something up or use admin(at)whoaisnotme.net. Thanks!

New poll.

6th January 2009
One new article, courtesy of CK. Meanwhile, I'm splitting the tagging system into two parts - 'Article Focus', which are tags for the main subject of the article, and then just plain tags for whenever a film is mentioned.
5th January 2009
Working my way through 1994 now for the tags. New poll.
3rd January 2009
Hi everyone. Still working on the tagging system, just finished 1992 and would probably be done in a couple of weeks or so. After that I'll be working on the Keanu Movie Database, screenshots of which can be seen here. University is starting for me on the 12th of January too, so stuff might slow down a little then.
1st January 2009
Happy New Year. :) Finished tagging a few more films - Life Under Water, Night Before, The, One Step Away, Private Lives of Pippa Lee, The, Replacements, The, Sweet November, Act of Vengeance, Brotherhood of Justice, Gift, The, Hardball, Under the Influence, Watcher, The, and Young Again.

That's when I decided that this method was too hard. I'm now taking it from the start, article by article rather than film by film, and picking up ones I missed along the way.

Enjoy 2009.

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